2030 年までの北米色素沈着障害治療市場予測 - 地域分析 - 治療タイプ (化粧品、光またはレーザー療法、マイクロダーマブレーション、ケミカルピーリング、凍結療法など)、症状 (肝斑、日光黒子、炎症後色素沈着など)、エンドユーザー (病院、皮膚科センターなど) 別
最も顕著な色素沈着状態の1つである肝斑は、顔、特に顎、上唇、鼻、額、頬に境界がある対称的な明るい色から暗い色の泥褐色の斑点が特徴です。女性や肌の色が濃い人に多く見られます。肝斑では、頬骨、下顎、顔面中心の臨床的特徴が一般的です。日光への曝露、ホルモンの変化、妊娠、遺伝的要因、化粧品、および医薬品はすべて、肝斑の発症に関連しています。さまざまな研究により、一般人口における肝斑の全体的な有病率は 1% から 50% の範囲であると推定されています。肝斑症例の 55~64% で、同じ症状の家族歴が報告されています。さらに、東アジアおよびヒスパニック系の出身者、およびフィッツパトリック皮膚フォトタイプ (IV ~ VI) が高い患者では、有病率が高いことが報告されています。また、紫外線が強い地域に住んでいる人でも有病率が高くなっています。
妊娠は、肝斑のもう 1 つの一般的な原因です。この症状は、経口避妊薬やホルモンを服用している女性にも影響します。エストロゲン、プロゲステロン、およびメラノサイト刺激ホルモンのレベルは通常、妊娠後期に上昇しますが、これが要因である可能性があります。 2023年8月の国立生物工学情報センター(NCBI)によると、肝斑は生殖年齢によく見られ、思春期前に発生することはまれです。この症状は妊婦の15~50%に発生し、有病率は地域によって異なり、1.5%~33%の範囲です。したがって、肝斑の有病率の上昇は、色素沈着過剰治療の需要を引き起こします。
北米の色素沈着過剰障害治療市場は、米国、カナダ、メキシコに分割されています。 2023年、米国は北米最大の色素沈着障害治療市場シェアを保持しました。Skin of Color Update 2024(皮膚科学会議)によると、米国の人口統計は、国内のヒスパニック、アジア人、アフリカ人の国際移住によって引き起こされた民族的および人種的多様性の拡大とともに進化しており、2050年頃にはフィッツパトリックIII、IV、V、およびVIの肌タイプの人々への少数派から多数派への移行につながる可能性もあります。具体的には、ヒスパニック人口は米国で最も急速に成長する人口グループの1つになると予想されており、2014年の5,500万人から2060年には1億1,900万人に増加すると推定されています。肌の色が濃い人は色素沈着障害になりやすい傾向があります。
治療タイプに基づいて、北米の色素沈着障害治療市場は、化粧品、光またはレーザー療法、マイクロダーマブレーション、ケミカルピーリング、凍結療法、その他に分類されています。 2022年には、薬用化粧品セグメントが最大の市場シェアを占めました。
国別に見ると、北米の色素沈着障害治療市場は、米国、カナダ、メキシコに分類されています。 2022年、北米の色素沈着障害治療市場シェアは米国が独占しました。
AbbVie Inc、Bayer AG、Galderma SA、L\'OREAL SA、Lutronic Co Ltd、Obagi Cosmeceuticals LLC、Vivier Pharma Incは、北米の色素沈着障害治療市場で事業を展開している大手企業の一部です。
1. Introduction
1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance
1.2 Market Segmentation
2. Executive Summary
2.1 Key Insights
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Coverage
3.2 Secondary Research
3.3 Primary Research
4. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Key Market Dynamics
4.1 Market Drivers
4.1.1 Rise in Prevalence of Melasma
4.1.2 Increasing Number of Hyperpigmentation Disorder Awareness Programs
4.2 Market Restraints
4.2.1 High Cost of Treatments
4.3 Market Opportunities
4.3.1 Strategic Initiatives by Market Players
4.4 Future Trends
4.4.1 Use of Ablative Lasers
4.4.2 Novel Products Based on PATH-3 Technology
4.5 Impact of Drivers and Restraints:
5. Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - North America Analysis
5.1 North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2030
6. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Analysis - by Treatment Type
6.1 Cosmeceutical
6.1.1 Overview
6.1.2 Cosmeceutical: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
6.2 Light or Laser Therapy
6.2.1 Overview
6.2.2 Light or Laser Therapy: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
6.3 Microdermabrasion
6.3.1 Overview
6.3.2 Microdermabrasion: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
6.4 Chemical Peels
6.4.1 Overview
6.4.2 Chemical Peels: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
6.5 Cryotherapy
6.5.1 Overview
6.5.2 Cryotherapy: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
6.6 Others
6.6.1 Overview
6.6.2 Others: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
7. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Analysis - by Condition
7.1 Melasma
7.1.1 Overview
7.1.2 Melasma: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
7.2 Solar Lentigines
7.2.1 Overview
7.2.2 Solar Lentigines: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
7.3 Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
7.3.1 Overview
7.3.2 Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
7.4 Others
7.4.1 Overview
7.4.2 Others: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
8. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Analysis - by End User
8.1 Hospitals
8.1.1 Overview
8.1.2 Hospitals: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
8.2 Dermatology Centers
8.2.1 Overview
8.2.2 Dermatology Centers: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
8.3 Others
8.3.1 Overview
8.3.2 Others: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
9. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Country Analysis
9.1 North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market
9.1.1 North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country US US: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) US: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Breakdown, by Treatment Type US: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Breakdown, by Condition US: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Breakdown, by End User Canada Canada: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Canada: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Breakdown, by Treatment Type Canada: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Breakdown, by Condition Canada: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Breakdown, by End User Mexico Mexico: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Mexico: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Breakdown, by Treatment Type Mexico: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Breakdown, by Condition Mexico: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Breakdown, by End User
10. Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Industry Landscape
10.1 Overview
10.2 Growth Strategies in Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market
10.3 Organic Growth Strategies
10.3.1 Overview
10.4 Inorganic Growth Strategies
10.4.1 Overview
11. Company Profiles
11.1 AbbVie Inc
11.1.1 Key Facts
11.1.2 Business Description
11.1.3 Products and Services
11.1.4 Financial Overview
11.1.5 SWOT Analysis
11.1.6 Key Developments
11.2 Galderma SA
11.2.1 Key Facts
11.2.2 Business Description
11.2.3 Products and Services
11.2.4 Financial Overview
11.2.5 SWOT Analysis
11.2.6 Key Developments
11.3 Obagi Cosmeceuticals LLC
11.3.1 Key Facts
11.3.2 Business Description
11.3.3 Products and Services
11.3.4 Financial Overview
11.3.5 SWOT Analysis
11.3.6 Key Developments
11.4 Bayer AG
11.4.1 Key Facts
11.4.2 Business Description
11.4.3 Products and Services
11.4.4 Financial Overview
11.4.5 SWOT Analysis
11.4.6 Key Developments
11.5 Lutronic Co Ltd
11.5.1 Key Facts
11.5.2 Business Description
11.5.3 Products and Services
11.5.4 Financial Overview
11.5.5 SWOT Analysis
11.5.6 Key Developments
11.6 L'OREAL S.A.
11.6.1 Key Facts
11.6.2 Business Description
11.6.3 Products and Services
11.6.4 Financial Overview
11.6.5 SWOT Analysis
11.6.6 Key Developments
11.7 Pierre Fabre SA
11.7.1 Key Facts
11.7.2 Business Description
11.7.3 Products and Services
11.7.4 Financial Overview
11.7.5 SWOT Analysis
11.7.6 Key Developments
11.8 Vivier Pharma Inc
11.8.1 Key Facts
11.8.2 Business Description
11.8.3 Products and Services
11.8.4 Financial Overview
11.8.5 SWOT Analysis
11.8.6 Key Developments
12. Appendix
12.1 About The Insight Partners
12.2 Glossary of Terms
List of Tables
Table 1. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Segmentation
Table 2. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Treatment Type
Table 3. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Condition
Table 4. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by End User
Table 5. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Country
Table 6. Number of Laser-Based Nonsurgical Procedures Performed, 2020
Table 7. US: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Treatment Type
Table 8. US: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Condition
Table 9. US: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by End User
Table 10. Canada: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Treatment Type
Table 11. Canada: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Condition
Table 12. Canada: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by End User
Table 13. Mexico: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Treatment Type
Table 14. Mexico: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Condition
Table 15. Mexico: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by End User
Table 16. Recent Organic Growth Strategies in Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market
Table 17. Recent Inorganic Growth Strategies in the Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market
Table 18. Glossary of Terms, Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market
List of Figures
Figure 1. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Segmentation, by Country
Figure 2. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Key Market Dynamics
Figure 3. Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints
Figure 4. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022-2030
Figure 5. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Share (%) - by Treatment Type (2022 and 2030)
Figure 6. Cosmeceutical: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 7. Light or Laser Therapy: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 8. Microdermabrasion: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 9. Chemical Peels: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 10. Cryotherapy: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 11. Others: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 12. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Share (%) - by Condition (2022 and 2030)
Figure 13. Melasma: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 14. Solar Lentigines: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 15. Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 16. Others: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 17. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Share (%) - by End User (2022 and 2030)
Figure 18. Hospitals: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 19. Dermatology Centers: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 20. Others: North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 21. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market, By Key Country - Revenue (2022) (US$ Million)
Figure 22. North America Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market Breakdown, by Key Countries, 2022 and 2030 (%)
Figure 23. US: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 24. Canada: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 25. Mexico: Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)
Figure 26. Growth Strategies in Hyperpigmentation Disorder Treatment Market
- AbbVie Inc
- Bayer AG
- Galderma SA
- Lutronic Co Ltd
- Obagi Cosmeceuticals LLC
- Vivier Pharma Inc
- Pierre Fabre Group
- Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the North America hyperpigmentation disorder treatment market.
- Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.
- The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the North America hyperpigmentation disorder treatment market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies.
- Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.
- Scrutinize in-depth North America market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the North America hyperpigmentation disorder treatment market, as well as those hindering it.
- Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing, and distribution.