2028年までの中東およびアフリカの血漿分画市場予測 - 製品別(免疫グロブリン、アルブミン、凝固因子濃縮物、プロテアーゼ阻害剤、その他の血漿製品)、アプリケーション別(神経学、免疫学、血液学、救命救急、呼吸器学)の新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響と地域分析、およびその他のアプリケーション)、およびエンドユーザー(病院および診療所、臨床研究研究所、学術機関)

TIPRE00026274 | Pages: 123 | Medical Device | Dec 2021 | Type: Regional | Status: Published


アラブ首長国連邦 (UAE)、サウジアラビア、南アフリカは、 MEAの主要3か国。サウジアラビアは、2021 年にこの地域における血漿分画の最大の市場でした。MEA の血漿分画市場は、予測期間中に CAGR 5.2% で成長すると予想されます。この成長は、この地域におけるさまざまな病気の蔓延と政府の取り組みの増加に起因すると考えられています。



血漿分別 MEA の市場は、2021 年の 24 億 5,561 万米ドルから 2028 年までに 34 億 9,073 万米ドルに成長すると予想されています。 2021 年から 2028 年までに 5.2% の CAGR で成長すると推定されています。血漿は、さまざまな慢性疾患を治療するための新たな方法の 1 つです。血漿は、タンパク質、アルブミン、グロブリン、フィブリノーゲン、凝固因子および阻害剤などの必須成分で構成されています。血液がん、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID19)、心房細動、白血病などで広く使用されています。血漿は、血漿分画を使用して献血された血液から分離されます。規制当局は、治療プロセスでの血漿の使用に必要な承認も提供しています。したがって、規制当局および政府による積極的な関与と承認により、血漿の適用が促進されることが期待されます。血漿は、貴重な凝固因子を保護するために献血後 24 時間以内に凍結することで最長 1 年間保存でき、解凍後にも使用できます。多くの血液銀行施設が各国に設立され、医療サービス提供者にアクセスでき、さまざまな政府やその他の組織から資金提供を受けています。したがって、上記の要因に従って、予測期間の血漿分画関連市場。      


< MEA血漿分画市場は、製品、アプリケーション、エンドユーザー、および国に分割されています。 MEA血漿分画市場は、製品に基づいて、免疫グロブリン、アルブミン、濃縮凝固因子、プロテアーゼ阻害剤などに分割されています。免疫グロブリンセグメントは、2021年に市場で最大のシェアを握ると見込まれています。MEA血漿分画市場は、アプリケーションに基づいて、神経学、免疫学、血液学、救急医療、呼吸器学などに分類されます。 2021 年には、神経科分野が市場で最大のシェアを握ると予想されます。 MEA血漿分画市場は、エンドユーザーに基づいて、病院、診療所、臨床研究研究所、学術機関に分割されています。 2021 年には、病院および診療所部門が市場で最大のシェアを握ると予想されます。国に基づいて、MEA血漿分画市場はサウジアラビア、南アフリカ、UAE、およびMEAの残りの部分に分割されます。 MEA の残りの地域が 2021 年に最大の市場シェアを保持しました。  


MEA の血漿分画市場に関するこのレポートを作成するために参照されたいくつかの主要な一次および二次情報源は、企業の Web サイト、年次報告書、財務報告書、政府文書、および統計データベースです。その他。レポートに記載されている主要企業は、Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited (BSV) です。株式会社バイオプロダクツ研究所;バイオテストAG; CSL限定。グリフォルス、SA;ケドリオン SpA;オクタファーマ AG;そしてSKプラズマ。            


  • MEA 血漿分画市場の状況を理解し、最も重要な市場セグメントを特定します。大きな収益が保証される可能性が高い。
  • MEA 血漿分画市場の絶え間なく変化する競争環境を理解して、競争に先んじてください。
  • 売上が最も見込める市場セグメントを特定することで、MEA 血漿分画市場での M&A やパートナーシップ取引を効率的に計画します。
  • 洞察力に基づいた知識に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を支援します。 MEA血漿分画市場のさまざまなセグメントの市場パフォーマンスの包括的な分析。
  • MEA地域の2021年から2028年までのさまざまなセグメントごとの市場収益予測を取得します。 /span>

MEA 血漿分画市場セグメンテーション

MEA 血漿分画市場 - 製品別

  • 免疫グロブリン
    • 静脈内免疫グロブリン (IVIG)
    • 皮下免疫グロブリン (SCIG) )
  • アルブミン
  • 凝固因子濃縮物
  • プロテアーゼ阻害剤
  • その他

MEA 血漿分画市場- アプリケーション

  • 神経学
  • 免疫学
  • 血液学
  • 救命救急
  • 呼吸器学
  • その他

MEA血漿分画市場 - 終了までユーザー

  • 病院および診療所
  • 臨床研究所
  • 学術機関

MEA 血漿分画市場 - 国別 >

  • サウジアラビア
  • 南アフリカ
  • UAE
  • MEA の残りの地域

MEA 血漿分画市場 - 会社概要 >

  • Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited (BSV)
  • Bio Products Laboratory Ltd.
  • Biotest AG.
  • CSL Limited
  • SA 州グリフォルズ
  • Kedrion SpA
  • Octapharma AG
  • SK Plasma


1.           Introduction

1.1         Scope of the Study

1.2         The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.3         Market Segmentation

1.3.1        MEA Plasma Fractionation Market – By Product

1.3.2        MEA Plasma Fractionation Market – By Application

1.3.3        MEA Plasma Fractionation Market – By End User

1.3.4        MEA Plasma Fractionation Market – By Country

2.           MEA Plasma Fractionation Market – Key Takeaways

3.        Research Methodology

3.1         Coverage

3.2         Secondary Research

3.3         Primary Research

4.           MEA Plasma Fractionation Market – Market Landscape

4.1         Overview

4.2         MEA PEST Analysis

4.3         Experts Opinion

5.           MEA Plasma Fractionation Market – Key Market Dynamics

5.1         Market Drivers

5.1.1        Plasma Therapy Getting Popular

5.1.2        Significant Rise in Participation of the Players in Market Developments

5.2         Market Restraints

5.2.1        Various Non-Plasma Substitutes Available

5.3         Market Opportunities

5.3.1        Emerging Countries Showing Development Capability

5.4         Future Trends

5.4.1        Plasma Therapy in the Treatment of Novel Diseases

5.5         Impact Analysis

6.           Plasma Fractionation Market – MEA Analysis

6.1         MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue Forecast and Analysis

7.           MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028– by Product

7.1         Overview

7.2         MEA Plasma Fractionation Market, By Product 2021 & 2028 (%)

7.3         Immunoglobulin

7.3.1        Overview

7.3.2        Immunoglobulin: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)          Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG)          Overview          Intravenous Immunoglobulin: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)          Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin (SCIG)          Overview          Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

7.4         Albumin

7.4.1        Overview

7.4.2        Albumin: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

7.5         Coagulation Factor Concentrates

7.5.1        Overview

7.5.2        Coagulation Factor Concentrates: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

7.6         Protease Inhibitors

7.6.1        Overview

7.6.2        Protease Inhibitors: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

7.7         Other Plasma Products

7.7.1        Overview

7.7.2        Other Plasma Products: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

8.           MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 – Application

8.1         Overview

8.2         MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Share by Application 2021 & 2028 (%)

8.3         Neurology

8.3.1        Overview

8.3.2        Neurology: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

8.4         Immunology

8.4.1        Overview

8.4.2        Immunology: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

8.5         Hematology

8.5.1        Overview

8.5.2        Hematology: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

8.6         Critical Care

8.6.1        Overview

8.6.2        Critical Care: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

8.7         Pulmonology

8.7.1        Overview

8.7.2        Pulmonology: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

8.8         Other Applications

8.8.1        Overview

8.8.2        Other Applications: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

9.           MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 – End User

9.1         Overview

9.2         MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Share by End User 2021 & 2028 (%)

9.3         Hospitals and Clinics

9.3.1        Overview

9.3.2        Hospitals and Clinics: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

9.4         Clinical Research Laboratories

9.4.1        Overview

9.4.2        Clinical Research Laboratories: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

9.5         Academic Institutes

9.5.1        Overview

9.5.2        Academic Institutes: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

10.        MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 – Country Analysis

10.1      Overview

10.1.1     MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Country (%)       UAE: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)       Overview       UAE: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)       UAE: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Product – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)    UAE: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Immunoglobulin Type, 2019–2028 (USD Million)       UAE: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)    UAE: Plasma Fractionation Market, By End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)       Saudi Arabia: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)       Overview       Saudi Arabia: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)       Saudi Arabia: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Product – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)    Saudi Arabia: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Immunoglobulin Type, 2019–2028 (USD Million)       Saudi Arabia: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)       Saudi Arabia: Plasma Fractionation Market, By End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)       South Africa: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)       Overview       South Africa Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)       South Africa: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Product – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)    South Africa: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Immunoglobulin Type, 2019–2028 (USD Million)       South Africa: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)    South Africa: Plasma Fractionation Market, By End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)       Rest of MEA: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)       Overview       Rest of MEA: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)       Rest of MEA: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Product – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)    Rest of MEA: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Immunoglobulin Type, 2019–2028 (USD Million)       Rest of MEA: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)       Rest of MEA: Plasma Fractionation Market, By End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

11.        Impact Of COVID-19 Pandemic on MEA Plasma Fractionation Market

11.1      MEA: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

12.        Plasma Fractionation Market–Industry Landscape

12.1      Overview

12.2      Growth Strategies Followed by Major Market Players (%)

12.3      Organic Developments

12.3.1     Overview

12.4      Inorganic developments

12.4.1     Overview

13.        Company Profiles

13.1      Biotest AG.

13.1.1     Key Facts

13.1.2     Business Description

13.1.3     Products and Services

13.1.4     Financial Overview

13.1.5     SWOT Analysis

13.1.6     Key Developments

13.2      Octapharma AG

13.2.1     Key Facts

13.2.2     Business Description

13.2.3     Products and Services

13.2.4     Financial Overview

13.2.5     SWOT Analysis

13.2.6     Key Developments

13.3      Kedrion S.p.A

13.3.1     Key Facts

13.3.2     Business Description

13.3.3     Products and Services

13.3.4     Financial Overview

13.3.5     SWOT Analysis

13.3.6     Key Developments

13.4      CSL Limited

13.4.1     Key Facts

13.4.2     Business Description

13.4.3     Products and Services

13.4.4     Financial Overview

13.4.5     SWOT Analysis

13.4.6     Key Developments

13.5      Grifols, S.A.

13.5.1     Key Facts

13.5.2     Business Description

13.5.3     Products and Services

13.5.4     Financial Overview

13.5.5     SWOT Analysis

13.5.6     Key Developments

13.6      Bio Products Laboratory Ltd.

13.6.1     Key Facts

13.6.2     Business Description

13.6.3     Products and Services

13.6.4     Financial Overview

13.6.5     SWOT Analysis

13.6.6     Key Developments

13.7      Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited (BSV)

13.7.1     Key Facts

13.7.2     Business Description

13.7.3     Products and Services

13.7.4     Financial Overview

13.7.5     SWOT Analysis

13.7.6     Key Developments

13.8      SK Plasma

13.8.1     Key Facts

13.8.2     Business Description

13.8.3     Products and Services

13.8.4     Financial Overview

13.8.5     SWOT Analysis

13.8.6     Key Developments

14.        Appendix

14.1      About The Insight Partners

14.2      Glossary of Terms



Table 1.             UAE: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Product – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 2.             UAE: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Immunoglobulin Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 3.             UAE: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 4.             UAE: Plasma Fractionation Market, By End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 5.             Saudi Arabia: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Product – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 6.             Saudi Arabia: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Immunoglobulin Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 7.             Saudi Arabia: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 8.             Saudi Arabia: Plasma Fractionation Market, By End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 9.             South Africa Plasma Fractionation Market, by Product – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 10.          South Africa: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Immunoglobulin Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 11.          South Africa: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 12.          South Africa: Plasma Fractionation Market, By End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 13.          Rest of MEA: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Product – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 14.          Rest of MEA: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Immunoglobulin Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 15.          Rest of MEA: Plasma Fractionation Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 16.          Rest of MEA: Plasma Fractionation Market, By End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

Table 17.          Organic Developments Done By Companies

Table 18.          Inorganic developments done by Companies

Table 19.          Glossary of Terms, MEA Plasma Fractionation Market



Figure 1.           MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Segmentation

Figure 2.           MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Segmentation, By Country

Figure 3.           MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Overview

Figure 4.           Immunoglobulin Segment Held the Largest Share of the Product Segment in MEA Plasma Fractionation Market

Figure 5.           Saudi Arabia to Show Significant Growth During Forecast Period

Figure 6.           MEA PEST Analysis

Figure 7.           Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints Pertaining to MEA Plasma Fractionation Market

Figure 8.           MEA Plasma Fractionation Market – Revenue Forecast and Analysis – 2019- 2028

Figure 9.           MEA Plasma Fractionation Market, by Product 2021 & 2028 (%)

Figure 10.        MEA Immunoglobulin: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 11.        MEA Intravenous Immunoglobulin: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 12.        MEA Intravenous Immunoglobulin: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 13.        MEA Albumin: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 14.        MEA Coagulation Factor Concentrates: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 15.        MEA Protease Inhibitors: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028(US$ Mn)

Figure 16.        MEA Other Plasma Products: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 17.        MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Share by Application 2021 & 2028 (%)

Figure 18.        MEA Neurology: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 19.        MEA Immunology: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 20.        MEA Hematology: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 21.        MEA Critical Care: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 22.        MEA Pulmonology: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 23.        MEA Other Applications: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 24.        MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Share by End User 2021 & 2028 (%)

Figure 25.        MEA Hospitals and Clinics: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 26.        MEA Clinical Research Laboratories: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 27.        MEA Academic Institutes: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 28.        MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue Overview, by Country, 2021 (US$ Mn)

Figure 29.        MEA Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Country (%)

Figure 30.        UAE: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 31.        Saudi Arabia: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 32.        South Africa: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 33.        Rest of MEA: Plasma Fractionation Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

Figure 34.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in MEA Country Markets

Figure 35.        Growth Strategies Followed by Major Market Players (%)

  1. Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited (BSV)
  2. Bio Products Laboratory Ltd.
  3. Biotest AG.
  4. CSL Limited
  5. Grifols, S.A.
  6. Kedrion S.p.A
  7. Octapharma AG
  8. SK Plasma
  • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players and segments in the MEA plasma fractionation market
  • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies
  • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the MEA plasma fractionation market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies
  • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets
  • Scrutinize in-depth MEA market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the plasma fractionation market, as well as those hindering it
  • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing and distribution
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