2027年までの中東およびアフリカのマウスウォッシュ市場予測 – 製品タイプ別(フッ素、化粧品、消毒剤、口腔ジェル)、フレーバー別(活性塩、ミントフレッシュティー、天然レモン、ハーブ、フルーツおよびガム)新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響と地域分析)、適応症(口内炎、アフタ性潰瘍、口腔手術後、口腔病変、歯周炎、歯肉炎、歯肉の後退、頻繁な口渇、慢性口臭、歯痛)、流通チャネル(ハイパーマーケット、スーパーマーケット、オンラインストア、独立系薬局/ドラッグストア) 、病院の薬局、独立した食料品店)、およびエンドユーザー(大人と子供)

TIPRE00025834 | Pages: 163 | Pharmaceuticals | Nov 2021 | Type: Regional | Status: Published


中東およびアフリカのうがい薬 市場は、非常に細分化された市場です。市場分野に投資する企業に多数のソリューションを提供する、地域および地元の有力企業の存在。近年、中東およびアフリカにおけるオーラルケア製品の小売業には顕著な変化が見られます。オンライン小売業者は、従来の流通業者、小売業者、薬局よりも徐々に好まれてきています。電子商取引ポータルを通じてオーラルケア製品を購入すると、複数ブランドのオーラルケア製品を比較的低価格で入手できること、購入が容易であること、送料が無料であることなど、いくつかの利点があります。電子商取引を通じたオーラルケア製品の販売が成功したことにより、大手市場関係者によるこれらのチャネルへの投資の増加が促されました。さらに、店舗で商品を販売している大手販売業者は、オンラインでも商品を販売しています。たとえば、Hello は、Amazon.com Inc.、iHerb.com、Thrive Market、Grove Collective などの e コマース業者を通じて、また独自の消費者直販サイト Hello-Products.com を通じて製品を販売しています。販売。これらのサイトは累計で全体の売上の約 15% を占めています。さらに、Hello-Products.com は 2017 年に e コマース機能を開始しました。

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)のパンデミックにより輸入期限が減少しており、中東とアフリカでは最も重大な課題となっています。貿易の混乱につながる。危機により品不足が深刻化しており、その結果、大幅な価格上昇が生じています。しかし、急速な都市化による購買力の向上と、天然由来製品のプロモーションの増加により、サウジアラビア、アラブ首長国連邦、南アフリカなどの国々で、オーラルケア製品を含むオーガニックパーソナルケア製品の利点に対する認識が高まっています。 。その結果、これらの国の消費者は化学含有量が変更され、天然成分が追加された製品をますます好むようになり、オーガニックオーラルケア製品の消費量の増加につながっています。さらに、制限の緩和により、UAE の患者は歯科治療を利用できるようになり、予測期間中の市場の成長にプラスの影響を与えるでしょう。

< u>市場の概要とダイナミクス

中東とアフリカのうがい薬市場は、2020年の2億3,204万米ドルから2027年までに3億2,082万米ドルに成長すると予想されています。 2020 年から 2027 年にかけて 4.7% の CAGR で成長すると推定されています人々が口腔衛生を良好に保つことに意識を向けるようになるにつれて、うがい薬は徐々に注目を集めています。空洞の形成を防ぐことで、新鮮な息を生成し、細菌感染を防ぎます。中東とアフリカの口腔衛生キャンペーンの増加により、市場が成長しています。コルゲートは、Simplemente Saludable (単純に健康的) プログラムの 2 年目を盛り上げると同時に、新しいうがい薬の発売を祝っています。ユニリーバは、2005 年以来、100 万人以上の歯科医が加盟する FDI 世界歯科連盟と提携しています。この提携は、口腔の健康増進および教育プログラムを通じて、成人と子供の両方の口腔の健康を改善するために重要な一歩を踏み出しました。さらに、2018年9月、ドバイ保健局(DHA)は、ドバイ健康戦略2016–2021の一環として、高品質の歯科治療と予防プログラムへのアクセスを確保することで口腔の健康を改善するための歯科および口腔プログラムであるDentOralを開始しました。このような取り組みは、うがい薬の需要を促進すると予想されます。


製品タイプに基づいて、化粧品セグメントが 2020 年の中東およびアフリカのマウスウォッシュ市場で最大のシェアを占めました。フレーバーに基づいて、ミントフレッシュティーセグメントが 2020 年の中東およびアフリカのマウスウォッシュ市場で最大のシェアを占めました。  ;示されているように、慢性口臭セグメントは、2020年の中東およびアフリカのうがい薬市場で最大のシェアを占めました。流通チャネルに基づいて、ハイパーマーケットセグメントは、2020年の中東およびアフリカのうがい薬市場で最大のシェアを占めました。エンド ユーザーに基づくと、2020 年の中東およびアフリカのうがい薬市場では成人セグメントが最大のシェアを占めました。


中東およびアフリカのうがい薬市場に関するこのレポートを作成するために参照したいくつかの主要な一次および二次情報源は、企業の Web サイト、年次報告書、財務報告書、政府の文書です。 、統計データベースなど。レポートに記載されている主要企業には、Colgate-Palmolive Company、Procter & Ltd.などが含まれます。 Gamble、GlaxoSmithKline plc.、Unilever、Johnson and Johnson Services, Inc.、The Himalaya Drug Company、Lion Corporation、Amway、および Church & Ltd. Dwight, Inc.

購入理由レポート >

  • 中東とアフリカのうがい薬市場の状況を理解し、大きな利益を保証する可能性が最も高い市場セグメントを特定する
  • これまでの市場を理解することで競争に先んじる-中東およびアフリカのうがい薬市場の競争環境の変化
  • 最も売上が見込まれる市場セグメントを特定することで、中東およびアフリカのうがい薬市場におけるM&Aおよびパートナーシップ取引を効率的に計画する
  • 中東およびアフリカのうがい薬市場のさまざまなセグメントの市場パフォーマンスの知覚的かつ包括的な分析から、知識に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を行うのに役立ちます
  • 2019年から2027年までの中東およびアフリカ地域のさまざまなセグメントごとの市場収益予測を取得します.



中東とアフリカのマウスウォッシュ市場 - Bさまざまな製品タイプ

  • フッ素
  • 化粧品
  • 消毒剤
  • オーラルジェル

中東とアフリカのマウスウォッシュ市場 - フレーバー別

  • アクティブソルト
  • ミントフレッシュティー
  • 天然レモン
  • ハーブ
  • フルーツとガム

中東およびアフリカのマウスウォッシュ市場 - 適応症別

  • 口内炎
  • アフタ性潰瘍
  • 口腔手術後
  • 口腔病変
  • 歯周炎
  • 歯肉炎
  • 歯茎の後退
  • 頻繁な口渇
  • 慢性的な口臭
  • 歯痛

中東およびアフリカのマウスウォッシュ市場 - 流通チャネル別

< ul>
  • ハイパーマーケット
  • スーパーマーケット
  • オンラインストア
  • 独立系薬局/ドラッグストア
  • 病院薬局
  • 独立系食料品店
  • 中東およびアフリカのうがい薬市場 - エンドユーザー別

    • 大人
    • 子供

    中東およびアフリカのうがい薬市場 –国別

    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • 南アフリカ
    • サウジアラビア
    • 中東のその他の地域とアフリカ

    中東とアフリカのマウスウォッシュ市場 –会社概要

    • Colgate-Palmolive Company
    • Procter & Ltd.ギャンブル
    • グラクソ・スミスクライン plc.
    • ユニリーバ
    • ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン・サービシズ社
    • ヒマラヤ製薬会社
    • >ライオン株式会社
    • アムウェイ
    • 教会とドワイト社  


    1.           Introduction

    1.1         Scope of the Study

    1.2         The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

    1.3         Market Segmentation

    1.3.1        Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – By Product Type

    1.3.2        Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – By Flavours

    1.3.3        Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – By Indication

    1.3.4        Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – By Distribution Channel

    1.3.5        Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – By End User

    1.3.6        Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – By Country

    2.           Mouthwash Market – Key Takeaways

    3.           Research Methodology

    3.1         Coverage

    3.2         Secondary Research

    3.3         Primary Research

    4.           Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – Market Landscape

    4.1         Overview

    4.2         PEST Analysis

    4.3         Expert Opinions

    4.4         Qualitative Analysis of Indications In the Region

    4.4.1        Middle East and Africa

    5.           Mouthwash Market– Key Market Dynamics

    5.1         Market Drivers

    5.1.1        Rise in Incidences of Dental Issues

    5.1.2        Rise in the Organization of Oral Hygiene Campaigns

    5.2         Market Restraints

    5.2.1        Use of Mouthwash to a Greater Extent may lead to Negative Impact on Health

    5.3         Market Opportunities

    5.3.1        Increasing Online Purchase of Oral Care Products

    5.4         Future Trends

    5.4.1        Increasing Adoption of Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

    5.5         Impact Analysis

    6.           Mouthwash Market – Middle East and Africa Analysis

    6.1         Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market Revenue Forecast and Analysis

    7.           Middle East and Africa Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – Product Type

    7.1         Overview

    7.2         Mouthwash Market Share, Product, 2019 and 2027 (%)

    7.3         Fluoride

    7.3.1        Overview

    7.3.2        Fluoride: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    7.4         Cosmetics

    7.4.1        Overview

    7.4.2        Cosmetics: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    7.5         Antiseptics

    7.5.1        Overview

    7.5.2        Antiseptics: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    7.6         Oral Gels

    7.6.1        Overview

    7.6.2        Oral Gels: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    8.           Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market– Flavour

    8.1         Overview

    8.2         Mouthwash Market Share, Flavour, 2019 and 2027 (%)

    8.3         Active Salt

    8.3.1        Overview

    8.3.2        Active Salt: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    8.4         Mint Fresh Tea

    8.4.1        Overview

    8.4.2        Mint Fresh Tea: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    8.5         Natural Lemon

    8.5.1        Overview

    8.5.2        Natural Lemon: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    8.6         Herbs

    8.6.1        Overview

    8.6.2        Herbs: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    8.7         Fruit and Gums

    8.7.1        Overview

    8.7.2        Fruit and Gums: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    9.           Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market– Indication

    9.1         Overview

    9.2         Mouthwash Market Share, Indication, 2019 and 2027 (%)

    9.3         Mouth Ulcers

    9.3.1        Overview

    9.3.2        Mouth Ulcers: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    9.4         Aphthous Ulcers

    9.4.1        Overview

    9.4.2        Aphthous Ulcers: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    9.5         Post Oral Surgery

    9.5.1        Overview

    9.5.2        Post Oral Surgery: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    9.6         Oral Lesions

    9.6.1        Overview

    9.6.2        Oral Lesions: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    9.7         Periodontitis

    9.7.1        Overview

    9.7.2        Periodontitis: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    9.8         Gingivitis

    9.8.1        Overview

    9.8.2        Gingivitis: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    9.9         Receding Gums

    9.9.1        Overview

    9.9.2        Receding Gums: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    9.10      Frequent Dry Mouth

    9.10.1     Overview

    9.10.2     Frequent Dry Mouth: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    9.11      Chronic Bad Breath

    9.11.1     Overview

    9.11.2     Chronic Bad Breath: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    9.12      Toothache

    9.12.1     Overview

    9.12.2     Toothache: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    10.        Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – By Distribution Channel

    10.1      Overview

    10.2      Mouthwash Market Revenue Share, by Distribution Channel (2019 and 2027)

    10.3      Hypermarkets

    10.3.1     Overview

    10.3.2     Hypermarket: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    10.4      Supermarket

    10.4.1     Overview

    10.4.2     Supermarket: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    10.5      Online Stores

    10.5.1     Overview

    10.5.2     Online Stores: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    10.6      Hospital Pharmacies

    10.6.1     Overview

    10.6.2     Hospital Pharmacies: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    10.7      Independent Pharmacies/Drugstores

    10.7.1     Overview

    10.7.2     Independent Pharmacies/Drugstores: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    10.8      Independent Grocery Stores

    10.8.1     Overview

    10.8.2     Independent Grocery Stores: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    11.        Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – By End User

    11.1      Overview

    11.2      Mouthwash Market Revenue Share, by End User (2019 and 2027)

    11.3      Adults

    11.3.1     Overview

    11.3.2     Adults: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    11.4      Kids

    11.4.1     Overview

    11.4.2     Kids: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    12.        Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – Country Analysis

    12.1      Middle East & Africa: Mouthwash Market

    12.1.1     Middle East & Africa: Mouthwash Market Share by Country – 2019 & 2027, (%)       UAE: Mouthwash Market- Revenue and Forecasts to 2027 (USD Million)       UAE: Mouthwash Market- Revenue and Forecasts to 2027 (USD Million)       UAE Mouthwash Market, by Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       UAE Mouthwash Market, by Flavour – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       UAE Mouthwash Market, by Indication – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       UAE Mouthwash Market, by Distribution Channel – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       UAE Mouthwash Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       Saudi Arabia: Mouthwash Market- Revenue and Forecasts to 2027 (USD Million)       Saudi Arabia: Mouthwash Market- Revenue and Forecasts to 2027 (USD Million)       Saudi Arabia Mouthwash Market, by Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       Saudi Arabia Mouthwash Market, by Flavour – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       Saudi Arabia Mouthwash Market, by Indication – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       Saudi Arabia Mouthwash Market, by Distribution Channel – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       Saudi Arabia Mouthwash Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       South Africa: Mouthwash Market - Revenue and Forecasts to 2027 (USD Million)       South Africa: Mouthwash Market- Revenue and Forecasts to 2027 (USD Million)       South Africa Mouthwash Market, by Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       South Africa Mouthwash Market, by Flavour – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       South Africa Mouthwash Market, by Indication – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       South Africa Mouthwash Market, by Distribution Channel – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       South Africa Mouthwash Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       Rest of Middle East and Africa: Mouthwash Market - Revenue and Forecasts to 2027 (USD Million)       Rest of Middle East and Africa: Mouthwash Market- Revenue and Forecasts to 2027 (USD Million)       Rest of Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market, by Product Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       Rest of Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market, by Flavour – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       Rest of Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market, by Indication – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       Rest of Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market, by Distribution Channel – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)       Rest of Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (USD Million)

    13.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market

    13.1      Middle East and Africa: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

    14.        Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market–Industry Landscape

    14.1      Overview

    14.2      Growth Strategies Done by the Companies in the Market, (%)

    14.3      Organic Developments

    14.3.1     Overview

    14.4      Inorganic Developments

    14.4.1     Overview

    15.        Company Profiles

    15.1      Colgate-Palmolive Company

    15.1.1     Key Facts

    15.1.2     Business Description

    15.1.3     Products and Services

    15.1.4     Financial Overview

    15.1.5     SWOT Analysis

    15.1.6     Key Developments

    15.2      Procter & Gamble

    15.2.1     Key Facts

    15.2.2     Business Description

    15.2.3     Products and Services

    15.2.4     Financial Overview

    15.2.5     SWOT Analysis

    15.2.6     Key Developments

    15.3      GlaxoSmithKline plc.

    15.3.1     Key Facts

    15.3.2     Business Description

    15.3.3     Products and Services

    15.3.4     Financial Overview

    15.3.5     SWOT Analysis

    15.3.6     Key Developments

    15.4      Unilever

    15.4.1     Key Facts

    15.4.2     Business Description

    15.4.3     Products and Services

    15.4.4     Financial Overview

    15.4.5     SWOT Analysis

    15.4.6     Key Developments

    15.5      Johnson and Johnson Services, Inc.

    15.5.1     Key Facts

    15.5.2     Business Description

    15.5.3     Products and Services

    15.5.4     Financial Overview

    15.5.5     SWOT Analysis

    15.5.6     Key Developments

    15.6      The Himalaya Drug Company

    15.6.1     Key Facts

    15.6.2     Business Description

    15.6.3     Products and Services

    15.6.4     Financial Overview

    15.6.5     SWOT Analysis

    15.6.6     Key Developments

    15.7      Lion Corporation

    15.7.1     Key Facts

    15.7.2     Business Description

    15.7.3     Products and Services

    15.7.4     Financial Overview

    15.7.5     SWOT Analysis

    15.7.6     Key Developments

    15.8      Amway

    15.8.1     Key Facts

    15.8.2     Business Description

    15.8.3     Products and Services

    15.8.4     Financial Overview

    15.8.5     SWOT Analysis

    15.8.6     Key Developments

    15.9      Church & Dwight, Inc.

    15.9.1     Key Facts

    15.9.2     Business Description

    15.9.3     Products and Services

    15.9.4     Financial Overview

    15.9.5     SWOT Analysis

    15.9.6     Key Developments

    16.        Appendix

    16.1      About The Insight Partners

                  16.2      Glossary of Terms


    Table 1.             Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market –Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Mn)

    Table 2.             UAE Mouthwash Market, By Product Type– Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 3.             UAE Mouthwash Market, by Flavour– Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 4.             UAE Mouthwash Market, by Indication – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 5.             UAE Mouthwash Market, by Distribution Channel – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 6.             UAE Mouthwash Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 7.             Saudi Arabia Mouthwash Market, By Product Type– Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 8.             Saudi Arabia Mouthwash Market, by Flavour– Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 9.             Saudi Arabia Mouthwash Market, by Indication – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 10.          Saudi Arabia Mouthwash Market, by Distribution Channel – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 11.          Saudi Arabia Mouthwash Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 12.          South Africa Mouthwash Market, By Product Type– Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 13.          South Africa Mouthwash Market, by Flavour– Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 14.          South Africa Mouthwash Market, by Indication – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 15.          South Africa Mouthwash Market, by Distribution Channel – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 16.          South Africa Mouthwash Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 17.          Rest of Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market, By Product Type– Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 18.          Rest of Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market, by Flavour– Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 19.          Rest of Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market, by Indication – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 20.          Rest of Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market, by Distribution Channel – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 21.          Rest of Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast To 2027 (USD Million)

    Table 22.          Organic Developments Done By Companies

    Table 23.          Inorganic Developments Done By Companies

    Table 24.          Glossary of Terms, Mouthwash Market


    Figure 1.           Mouthwash Market Segmentation

    Figure 2.           Mouthwash Market Segmentation, By Country

    Figure 3.           Mouthwash Market Overview

    Figure 4.           Cosmetics Product Type Segment Held Largest Share of Mouthwash Market

    Figure 5.           UAE to Show Significant Growth During Forecast Period

    Figure 6.           Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market, Industry Landscape

    Figure 7.           Middle East and Africa (MEA) PEST Analysis

    Figure 8.           Mouthwash Market impact analysis of driver and restraints

    Figure 9.           Middle East and Africa Mouthwash Market – Revenue Forecast and Analysis – 2019- 2027

    Figure 10.        Mouthwash Market Share, Product, 2019 and 2027 (%)

    Figure 11.        Fluoride: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 12.        Cosmetics: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 13.        Antiseptics: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 14.        Oral Gels: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 15.        Mouthwash Market Share, Flavor, 2019 and 2027 (%)

    Figure 16.        Active Salt: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 17.        Mint Fresh Tea: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 18.        Natural Lemon: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 19.        Herbs: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 20.        Fruit and Gums: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 21.        Mouthwash Market Share, Indication, 2019 and 2027 (%)

    Figure 22.        Mouth Ulcers: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 23.        Aphthous Ulcers: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 24.        Post Oral Surgery: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 25.        Oral Lesions: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 26.        Periodontitis: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 27.        Gingivitis: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 28.        Receding Gums: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 29.        Frequent Dry Mouth: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 30.        Chronic Bad Breath: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 31.        Toothache: Mouthwash Market– Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ million)

    Figure 32.        Mouthwash Market Revenue Share, by Distribution Channel (2019 and 2027)

    Figure 33.        Hypermarket: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    Figure 34.        Supermarket: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    Figure 35.        Online Stores: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    Figure 36.        Hospital Pharmacies: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    Figure 37.        Independent Pharmacies/Drug Stores: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    Figure 38.        Independent Grocery Stores: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    Figure 39.        Mouthwash Market Revenue Share, by End User (2019 and 2027)

    Figure 40.        Adults: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    Figure 41.        Kids: Mouthwash Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2027 (US$ Million)

    Figure 42.        Middle East & Africa: Mouthwash Market, By Key Country – Revenue (2019) (USD Million)

    Figure 43.        Middle East & Africa: Mouthwash Market Share by Country – 2019 & 2027, (%)

    Figure 44.        UAE: Mouthwash Market- Revenue and Forecasts To 2027 (USD Million)

    Figure 45.        Saudi Arabia: Mouthwash Market- Revenue and Forecasts To 2027 (USD Million)

    Figure 46.        South Africa: Mouthwash Market- Revenue and Forecasts To 2027 (USD Million)

    Figure 47.        Rest of Middle East and Africa: Mouthwash Market- Revenue and Forecasts To 2027 (USD Million)

    Figure 48.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mouthwash Market in Middle East and Africa

    Figure 49.         Growth Strategies Done by the Companies in the Market, (%)  
    1. Colgate-Palmolive Company
    2. Procter & Gamble
    3. GlaxoSmithKline plc.
    4. Unilever
    5. Johnson and Johnson Services, Inc.
    6. The Himalaya Drug Company
    7. Lion Corporation
    8. Amway
    9. Church & Dwight, Inc.
    • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the Middle East and Africa mouthwash market.
    • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies
    • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Middle East and Africa mouthwash market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies
    • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets
    • Scrutinize in-depth Middle East and Africa market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the Middle East and Africa mouthwash market, as well as those hindering it
    • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing and distribution
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