2028年までの中東およびアフリカの心臓血管針市場予測 - 新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響とタイプ別の地域分析(丸胴針、切断針)。アプリケーション (開胸手術および心臓弁手術);使用法 (1 回使用および複数回使用);エンドユーザー (病院および診療所、外来手術センター、心臓血管センター)

TIPRE00025901 | Pages: 108 | Medical Device | Nov 2021 | Type: Regional | Status: Published


心臓血管針は、開胸手術、心臓弁手術、心臓移植などの多くの心臓血管手術中に使用されます。 、冠状動脈バイパス移植手術など、多くの手術で外科用針が必要です。これらの心臓血管用針には、単回使用またはアイレス針と、複数回使用またはアイ付き針の 2 つのタイプがあります。心臓血管針は、高濃度のニッケル、サーガロイ、エタロイを含む新しいステンレス鋼合金から製造されています。


コロナウイルスは中東とアフリカに大きな影響を与えています。パンデミックにより、在宅ケアが可能な医療機器の需要が高まっています。この地域では、集中治療室(ICU)に入院する患者の数が増加しており、使用される薬剤の数も増加しており、逼迫した医療システムに診断および治療上の複数の課題をもたらし、医療機器の増加につながっています。南アフリカの放射線科医の新型コロナウイルス感染者数は国内で最も多い。スタッフの配置や勤務時間の変更、厳格な感染予防策や社会的距離の措置の実施などが見られました。さらに、彼らは精神的、身体的、感情的、経済的な課題にも直面しています。心臓病患者、特に心不全や植込み型装置を患っている患者は、新型コロナウイルス感染症の罹患率と死亡率が高くなります。さらに、COVD-19 が心臓に重大な、さらには長期的な影響を及ぼし、心不全患者のエコーパンデミックを引き起こす可能性があるという証拠が増えています。医療保険の加入や新型コロナウイルス感染症による社会的距離の確保に関連するコストは増加の一途をたどっています。このため、レビュー期間中に市場にマイナスの影響が及ぶ可能性があります。



中東およびアフリカの心臓血管針市場は、2021 年の 3,968.2 千米ドルから 2028 年までに 6,189.7 千米ドルに成長すると予想されています。 2021 年から 2028 年までに 6.6% の CAGR で成長すると推定されています。高齢者は、免疫力の低下やその他の健康上の問題により、心臓病のリスクが高くなります。一般に、加齢により心筋や血管が硬くなります。さらに、最高血圧は加齢とともに上昇します。したがって、75 歳以上の人々は一般に高血圧を患っており、その後冠動脈疾患や心不全を引き起こす可能性があります。国連の 2017 年世界人口高齢化報告書によると、60 歳以上の人口は約 9 億 6,200 万人で、その数は 2050 年までに約 21 億人に達すると予想されています。高齢者人口は、年齢に応じて非典型的な病気の症状を呈することが知られています。併存疾患や好ましくない結果を伴う。この病気の主な理由は、加齢に伴う心血管系の構造的および機能的変化に関連しています。したがって、高齢者人口の増加と、これらの人々の CVD 有病率の急増が、心臓血管針市場の成長を推進しています。



種類の観点から見ると、2020 年の中東およびアフリカの心臓血管針市場では、丸い胴体の針セグメントが最大のシェアを占めました。アプリケーションの観点からは、開胸手術セグメントは、2020年の中東およびアフリカの心臓血管針市場で最大のシェアを占めました。使用に関しては、シングルユースセグメントが2020年の中東およびアフリカの心臓血管針市場で最大のシェアを占めました。エンドユーザーの割合で見ると、2020 年の中東およびアフリカの心臓血管針市場で病院および診療所セグメントが最大のシェアを占めました。



心臓血管針市場に関するこのレポートを作成するために参照されたいくつかの主要な一次および二次情報源中東とアフリカでは、企業のウェブサイト、年次報告書、財務報告書、国家政府の文書、統計データベースなどがあります。このレポートに記載されている主要企業は、Ethicon (Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.)、MANI, INC.、Barber of Sheffield、FSSB Surgical Needles GmbH、Medtronic、Teleflex Incorporated、Meril Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.です。 Ltd.、CP Medical、インドの SMB Corporation。



  • 理解するには中東およびアフリカの心臓血管針市場の状況を把握し、大きな収益を保証する可能性が最も高い市場セグメントを特定する
  • 中東およびアフリカの心臓血管針市場の刻々と変化する競争環境を理解することで、競争に先んじる
  • 最も売上が見込まれる市場セグメントを特定することにより、中東およびアフリカの心臓血管針市場での M&A およびパートナーシップ取引を効率的に計画する
  • 知覚的かつ包括的な観点から知識に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を行うのに役立ちます中東およびアフリカの心臓血管針市場のさまざまなセグメントの市場パフォーマンス分析
  • 中東およびアフリカ地域の2021年から2028年までのさまざまなセグメントごとの市場収益予測を取得します





  • 開く心臓手術
  • 心臓弁の手術


用途別 scan>

  • 1 回のみの使用
  • 複数回の使用


エンド ユーザー別

  • 病院および診療所
  • 外来手術センター
  • 心血管センター



  • 中東とアフリカ
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • サウジアラビア
    • 南アフリカ
    • 中東およびアフリカのその他の地域



  1. Ethicon (Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.)              
  2. MANI, INC              
  3. シェフィールドの理髪師             
  4. FSSB 外科用針 GmbH          
  5. メドトロニック              
  6. Teleflex Incorporated       
  7. メリル ライフ サイエンス社株式会社             
  8. CP Medical             
  9. インド SMB コーポレーション


1.           Introduction

1.1         Scope of the Study

1.2         The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.3         Market Segmentation

1.3.1        Cardiovascular Needle Market – By Type

1.3.2        Cardiovascular Needle Market – By Application

1.3.3        Cardiovascular Needle Market – By Usage

1.3.4        Cardiovascular Needle Market – By End User

1.3.5        Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market – By Country

2.           Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market – Key Takeaways

3.           Research Methodology

3.1         Coverage

3.2         Secondary Research

3.3         Primary Research

4.           Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market – Market Landscape

4.1         Overview

4.2         PEST Analysis

4.2.1        Cardiovascular Needle Market- Middle East and Africa PEST Analysis

4.3         Expert Opinion

5.           Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market - Key Market Dynamics

5.1         Market Drivers

5.1.1        Increasing Prevalence of Cardiovascular Diseases

5.1.2        Rise in Elderly Population

5.2         Key Market Restraints

5.2.1        Preference for Surgical Staples over Needles

5.3         Key Market Opportunities

5.3.1        Growth Opportunities in Developing Nations

5.4         Future Trends

5.4.1        Proliferation of MedTech Industry

5.5         Impact Analysis

6.           Cardiovascular Needle Market – Middle East and Africa Analysis

6.1         Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market Revenue Forecasts and Analysis

7.           Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market Analysis and Forecasts To 2028 – By Type

7.1         Overview

7.2         Cardiovascular Needle Market Revenue Share, by Type (2020 and 2028)

7.3         Round-Bodied Needles

7.3.1        Overview

7.3.2        Round-Bodied Needles: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

7.4         Cutting Needles

7.4.1        Overview

7.4.2        Cutting Needles: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

8.           Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market Analysis and Forecasts To 2028 – By Application

8.1         Overview

8.2         Cardiovascular Needle Market Revenue Share, by Application (2020 and 2028)

8.3         Open Heart Surgery

8.3.1        Overview

8.3.2        Open Heart Surgery: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

8.4         Cardiac Valve Procedures

8.4.1        Overview

8.4.2        Cardiac Valve Procedures: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

9.           Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market Analysis and Forecasts To 2028 – By Usage

9.1         Overview

9.2         Cardiovascular Needle Market Revenue Share, by Usage (2020 and 2028)

9.3         Single Use

9.3.1        Overview

9.3.2        Single Use: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

9.4         Multiple Use

9.4.1        Overview

9.4.2        Multiple Use: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

10.        Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market Analysis and Forecasts To 2028 –By End user

10.1      Overview

10.2      Cardiovascular Needle Market Revenue Share, by End User (2020 and 2028)

10.3      Hospitals and Clinics

10.3.1     Overview

10.3.2     Hospitals and Clinics: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

10.4      Ambulatory Surgical Centers

10.4.1     Overview

10.4.2     Ambulatory Surgical Centers: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

10.5      Cardiovascular Centers

10.5.1     Overview

10.5.2     Cardiovascular Centers: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

11.        Cardiovascular Needle Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 – Geographical Analysis

11.1      Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market

11.1.1     Overview

11.1.2     Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Country, 2021 & 2028 (%)       Saudi Arabia: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       Saudi Arabia: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       Saudi Arabia: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       Saudi Arabia: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       Saudi Arabia: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Usage – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       Saudi Arabia: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       UAE: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       UAE: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       UAE: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       UAE: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       UAE: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Usage– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       UAE: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       South Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       South Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       South Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       South Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       South Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Usage – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       South Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by End user– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       Rest of Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       Rest of Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       Rest of Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       Rest of Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       Rest of Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Usage – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)       Rest of Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by End User– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

12.        Impact Of COVID-19 Pandemic on Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market

12.1      Middle East and Africa: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

13.        Industry Landscape

13.1      Overview

14.        Company Profiles

14.1      Ethicon (Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.)

14.1.1     Key Facts

14.1.2     Business Description

14.1.3     Products and Services

14.1.4     Financial Overview

14.1.5     SWOT Analysis

14.1.6     Key Developments

14.2      MANI,INC

14.2.1     Key Facts

14.2.2     Business Description

14.2.3     Products and Services

14.2.4     Financial Overview

14.2.5     SWOT Analysis

14.2.6     Key Developments

14.3      Barber of Sheffield

14.3.1     Key Facts

14.3.2     Business Description

14.3.3     Products and Services

14.3.4     Financial Overview

14.3.5     SWOT Analysis

14.3.6     Key Developments

14.4      FSSB surgical needles GmbH

14.4.1     Key Facts

14.4.2     Business Description

14.4.3     Products and Services

14.4.4     Financial Overview

14.4.5     SWOT Analysis

14.4.6     Key Developments

14.5      Medtronic

14.5.1     Key Facts

14.5.2     Business Description

14.5.3     Products and Services

14.5.4     Financial Overview

14.5.5     SWOT Analysis

14.5.6     Key Developments

14.6      Teleflex Incorporated

14.6.1     Key Facts

14.6.2     Business Description

14.6.3     Products and Services

14.6.4     Financial Overview

14.6.5     SWOT Analysis

14.6.6     Key Developments

14.7      Meril Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.

14.7.1     Key Facts

14.7.2     Business Description

14.7.3     Products and Services

14.7.4     Financial Overview

14.7.5     SWOT Analysis

14.7.6     Key Developments

14.8      CP Medical

14.8.1     Key Facts

14.8.2     Business Description

14.8.3     Products and Services

14.8.4     Financial Overview

14.8.5     SWOT Analysis

14.8.6     Key Developments

14.9      SMB Corporation of India

14.9.1     Key Facts

14.9.2     Business Description

14.9.3     Products and Services

14.9.4     Financial Overview

14.9.5     SWOT Analysis

14.9.6     Key Developments

15.        Appendix

15.1      About the Insight Partners

15.2      Glossary of Terms



Table 1.             Saudi Arabia: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 2.             Saudi Arabia: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 3.             Saudi Arabia: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Usage – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 4.             Saudi Arabia: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 5.             UAE: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 6.             UAE: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 7.             UAE: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Usage – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 8.             UAE: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by End User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 9.             South Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 10.          South Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 11.          South Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Usage – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 12.          South Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by End User– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 13.          Rest of Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Type – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 14.          Rest of Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Application – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 15.          Rest of Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Usage – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 16.          Rest of Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by End User– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Table 17.          Glossary of Terms, Cardiovascular Needle Market



Figure 1.           Cardiovascular Needle Market Segmentation

Figure 2.           Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market Overview

Figure 3.           Round-Bodied Needles Segment Held Largest Share of Type in Cardiovascular Needle Market

Figure 4.           Saudi Arabia is Expected to Show Remarkable Growth During the Forecast Period

Figure 5.           Cardiovascular Needle Market - Middle East and Africa PEST Analysis

Figure 6.           Cardiovascular Needle Market Impact Analysis of Driver and Restraints

Figure 7.           Middle East and Africa Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue Forecasts and Analysis – 2020- 2028

Figure 8.           Cardiovascular Needle Market Revenue Share, by Type (2020 and 2028)

Figure 9.           Round-Bodied Needles: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 10.        Cutting Needles: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 11.        Cardiovascular Needle Market Revenue Share, by Application (2020 and 2028)

Figure 12.        Open Heart Surgery: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 13.        Cardiac Valve Procedures: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 14.        Cardiovascular Needle Market Revenue Share, by Usage (2020 and 2028)

Figure 15.        Single Use: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 16.        Multiple Use: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 17.        Cardiovascular Needle Market Revenue Share, by End User (2020 and 2028)

Figure 18.        Hospitals and Clinics: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 19.        Ambulatory Surgical Centers: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 20.        Cardiovascular Centers: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 21.        Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Key Country – Revenue (2021) (US$ Thousands)

Figure 22.        Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market, by Country, 2021 & 2028 (%)

Figure 23.        Saudi Arabia: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 24.        UAE: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 25.        South Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 26.        Rest of Middle East and Africa: Cardiovascular Needle Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Thousands)

Figure 27.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in Middle East and African Country Markets


  1. Ethicon (Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.)              
  2. MANI, INC              
  3. Barber of Sheffield             
  4. FSSB surgical needles GmbH          
  5. Medtronic              
  6. Teleflex Incorporated       
  7. Meril Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd.             
  8. CP Medical             
  9. SMB Corporation of India
  • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players and segments in the Middle East and Africa cardiovascular needle market.
  • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies
  • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Middle East and Africa cardiovascular needle market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies
  • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets
  • Scrutinize in-depth Middle East and Africa market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the cardiovascular needle market, as well as those hindering it
  • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing and distribution
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