アジア太平洋地域の脱塩ホエイパウダー市場予測 - 2031年まで - 地域別分析 - タイプ別(50%脱塩ホエイ、70%脱塩ホエイ、90%脱塩ホエイ、その他)、カテゴリー別(従来型およびオーガニック)、用途別(ベーカリーおよび菓子、乳製品および冷凍デザート、乳児用栄養、飲料、その他)
オーガニック脱塩ホエイパウダーは、クリーンなラベルと健康上の利点が認められていることから、食品・飲料業界で人気が高まっています。オーガニック乳児用調合乳の主要成分として使用され、厳格なオーガニック認証要件を満たしながら、乳児の成長に不可欠な必須タンパク質、ビタミン、ミネラルを供給します。FrieslandCampina によると、現在、4 人中 3 人の親が、幼い子供用の調合乳を購入する際にオーガニックを重要な基準と見なしています。また、中国では、この数字は 90% を超えています。さらに、オーガニック乳児用調合乳の販売量は、過去数年間で 12% 以上増加しています。乳製品分野では、オーガニックヨーグルト、アイスクリーム、その他の乳製品の栄養価を高め、天然およびオーガニックの原料を好む消費者の好みに合致しています。
アジア太平洋地域の脱塩ホエイパウダー市場は、オーストラリア、中国、インド、日本、韓国、その他のアジア太平洋地域に分かれています。急速な都市化、中流階級人口の急増、経済全体の成長、健康的なライフスタイルへの意識の高まり、乳児用調製粉乳、タンパク質を豊富に含むベーカリー製品、プロテインバーなどの栄養補助食品の消費増加は、市場の成長を後押しするいくつかの要因です。 Interfood Holding BV、Asian Group、VRS Foods Ltd.、Milkfood Limited など、脱ミネラルホエイパウダー市場の主要企業は、革新的な脱ミネラルホエイパウダー製品の提供に注力しており、アジア太平洋地域の脱ミネラルホエイパウダー市場の成長に新たな機会を生み出しています。
タンパク質を豊富に含む食事の需要増加と、栄養価が高く健康的な食品への消費者嗜好の変化により、アジア太平洋地域での脱ミネラルホエイパウダーの需要が増加しています。乳製品ベースのタンパク質の研究開発と加工技術への注目の高まり、フィットネス愛好家の増加、食品および飲料業界への投資の増加により、予測期間中にアジア太平洋地域の市場が活性化すると予想されます。さらに、乳児の栄養への注目の高まりにより、アジア太平洋地域では乳児用調製粉乳の需要が急速に増加しています。さらに、成長を続ける乳製品業界も脱ミネラルホエイパウダー市場の成長に貢献しています。たとえば、アジア太平洋地域では、牛乳の総生産額が 2017 年には世界の乳児の約 10% を占めました。脱塩ホエイパウダー市場は、2023年に1,986億米ドルに達すると予想されています。また、インドの乳製品業界は世界最大の牛乳生産国であり、世界の生産量の約22%を占めています。インド、マレーシア、インドネシアなどの国では、タンパク質サプリメントの需要も急増しています。栄養補助食品業界におけるタンパク質成分の需要全体が、アジア太平洋地域の脱塩ホエイパウダー市場を牽引しています。さらに、アジア太平洋諸国、特に中国とインドでのオーガニック食品の需要増加と製造プロセスのコスト削減の達成は、オーガニック脱塩ホエイパウダーの需要を促進する主な要因です。
国別に、アジア太平洋地域の脱ミネラルホエイパウダー市場は、中国、日本、インド、オーストラリア、韓国、その他のアジア太平洋地域に分類されています。 2023年、アジア太平洋地域の脱ミネラルホエイパウダー市場シェアは、アジア太平洋地域のその他の地域が独占しました。
Interfood Holding BV、Lactalis Ingredients、Hiroland Domestic and Foreign Trade Ltd Co、LACLAT Ltd、Valio Ltd、Charotar Casein Co、Dairygold Cooperative Society Limited、Royal FrieslandCampina NV、ALIMA-BISは、アジア太平洋地域の脱ミネラルホエイパウダー市場で事業を展開している大手企業の一部です。
1. Introduction
1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance
1.2 Market Segmentation
2. Executive Summary
2.1 Key Insights
2.2 Market Attractiveness
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Secondary Research
3.2 Primary Research
3.2.1 Hypothesis formulation:
3.2.2 Macro-economic factor analysis:
3.2.3 Developing base number:
3.2.4 Data Triangulation:
3.2.5 Country level data:
4. Asia Pacific Demineralized Whey Powder Market Landscape
4.1 Overview
4.2 Porter's Analysis
4.2.1 Threat of New Entrants
4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
4.2.4 Competitive Rivalry
4.2.5 Threat of Substitutes
4.3 Ecosystem Analysis
4.3.1 Raw Material Suppliers
4.3.2 Manufacturers
4.3.3 Distributors or suppliers
4.3.4 End Use
5. Asia Pacific Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Key Market Dynamics
5.1 Market Drivers
5.1.1 Wide Application Scope of Demineralized Whey Powder
5.1.2 Advancements in Processing Technologies
5.2 Market Restraint
5.2.1 Stringent Regulations Related to Demineralized Whey Powder
5.3 Market Opportunities
5.3.1 Growing Demand for Organic Demineralized Whey Powder
5.4 Future Trends
5.4.1 Rising Demand for Sports Nutrition Products
5.5 Impact of Drivers and Restraints:
6. Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Asia Pacific Analysis
6.1 Demineralized Whey Powder Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021-2031
6.2 Demineralized Whey Powder Market Forecast Analysis
7. Asia Pacific Demineralized Whey Powder Market Analysis - by Type
7.1 50% Demineralized Whey
7.1.1 Overview
7.1.2 50% Demineralized Whey: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
7.2 70% Demineralized Whey
7.2.1 Overview
7.2.2 70% Demineralized Whey: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
7.3 90% Demineralized Whey
7.3.1 Overview
7.3.2 90% Demineralized Whey: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
7.4 Others
7.4.1 Overview
7.4.2 Others: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
8. Asia Pacific Demineralized Whey Powder Market Analysis - by Category
8.1 Conventional
8.1.1 Overview
8.1.2 Conventional: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
8.2 Organic
8.2.1 Overview
8.2.2 Organic: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
9. Asia Pacific Demineralized Whey Powder Market Analysis - by Application
9.1 Bakery and Confectionery
9.1.1 Overview
9.1.2 Bakery and Confectionery: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
9.2 Dairy and Frozen Desserts
9.2.1 Overview
9.2.2 Dairy and Frozen Desserts: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
9.3 Infant Nutrition
9.3.1 Overview
9.3.2 Infant Nutrition: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
9.4 Beverages
9.4.1 Overview
9.4.2 Beverages: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
9.5 Others
9.5.1 Overview
9.5.2 Others: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
10. Asia Pacific Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Country Analysis
10.1 Asia Pacific
10.1.1 Asia Pacific: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country Asia Pacific: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country China: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) China: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Type China: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Category China: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Application Japan: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Japan: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Type Japan: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Category Japan: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Application India: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) India: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Type India: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Category India: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Application Australia: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Australia: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Type Australia: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Category Australia: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Application South Korea: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) South Korea: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Type South Korea: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Category South Korea: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Application Rest of APAC: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Rest of APAC: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Type Rest of APAC: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Category Rest of APAC: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Application
11. Competitive Landscape
11.1 Heat Map Analysis
11.2 Company Positioning & Concentration
12. Company Profiles
12.1 Interfood Holding BV
12.1.1 Key Facts
12.1.2 Business Description
12.1.3 Products and Services
12.1.4 Financial Overview
12.1.5 SWOT Analysis
12.1.6 Key Developments
12.2 Lactalis Ingredients
12.2.1 Key Facts
12.2.2 Business Description
12.2.3 Products and Services
12.2.4 Financial Overview
12.2.5 SWOT Analysis
12.2.6 Key Developments
12.3 Hiroland Domestic and Foreign Trade Ltd Co
12.3.1 Key Facts
12.3.2 Business Description
12.3.3 Products and Services
12.3.4 Financial Overview
12.3.5 SWOT Analysis
12.3.6 Key Developments
12.4 LACLAT Ltd
12.4.1 Key Facts
12.4.2 Business Description
12.4.3 Products and Services
12.4.4 Financial Overview
12.4.5 SWOT Analysis
12.4.6 Key Developments
12.5 Valio Ltd
12.5.1 Key Facts
12.5.2 Business Description
12.5.3 Products and Services
12.5.4 Financial Overview
12.5.5 SWOT Analysis
12.5.6 Key Developments
12.6 Charotar Casein Co
12.6.1 Key Facts
12.6.2 Business Description
12.6.3 Products and Services
12.6.4 Financial Overview
12.6.5 SWOT Analysis
12.6.6 Key Developments
12.7 Dairygold Cooperative Society Limited
12.7.1 Key Facts
12.7.2 Business Description
12.7.3 Products and Services
12.7.4 Financial Overview
12.7.5 SWOT Analysis
12.7.6 Key Developments
12.8 Royal FrieslandCampina NV
12.8.1 Key Facts
12.8.2 Business Description
12.8.3 Products and Services
12.8.4 Financial Overview
12.8.5 SWOT Analysis
12.8.6 Key Developments
12.9.1 Key Facts
12.9.2 Business Description
12.9.3 Products and Services
12.9.4 Financial Overview
12.9.5 SWOT Analysis
12.9.6 Key Developments
13. Appendix
13.1 About The Insight Partners
List of Tables
Table 1. Asia Pacific Demineralized Whey Powder Market Segmentation
Table 2. Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Table 3. Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) - by Type
Table 4. Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) - by Category
Table 5. Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) - by Application
Table 6. Asia Pacific: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Country
Table 7. China: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Type
Table 8. China: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Category
Table 9. China: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
Table 10. Japan: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Type
Table 11. Japan: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Category
Table 12. Japan: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
Table 13. India: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Type
Table 14. India: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Category
Table 15. India: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
Table 16. Australia: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Type
Table 17. Australia: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Category
Table 18. Australia: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
Table 19. South Korea: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Type
Table 20. South Korea: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Category
Table 21. South Korea: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
Table 22. Rest of APAC: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Type
Table 23. Rest of APAC: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Category
Table 24. Rest of APAC: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application
Table 25. Heat Map Analysis
List of Figures
Figure 1. Asia Pacific Demineralized Whey Powder Market Segmentation, by Country
Figure 2. Porter's Analysis
Figure 3. Ecosystem: Demineralized Whey Powder Market
Figure 4. Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Key Market Dynamics
Figure 5. Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints
Figure 6. Demineralized Whey Powder Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021-2031
Figure 7. Demineralized Whey Powder Market Share (%) - by Type (2023 and 2031)
Figure 8. 50% Demineralized Whey: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 9. 70% Demineralized Whey: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 10. 90% Demineralized Whey: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 11. Others: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 12. Demineralized Whey Powder Market Share (%) - by Category (2023 and 2031)
Figure 13. Conventional: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 14. Organic: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 15. Demineralized Whey Powder Market Share (%) - by Application (2023 and 2031)
Figure 16. Bakery and Confectionery: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 17. Dairy and Frozen Desserts: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 18. Infant Nutrition: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 19. Beverages: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 20. Others: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 21. Asia Pacific Demineralized Whey Powder Market, by Key Countries - Revenue (2023) (US$ Million)
Figure 22. Asia Pacific: Demineralized Whey Powder Market Breakdown, by Key Countries, 2023 and 2031 (%)
Figure 23. China: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
Figure 24. Japan: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
Figure 25. India: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
Figure 26. Australia: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
Figure 27. South Korea: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
Figure 28. Rest of APAC: Demineralized Whey Powder Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)
Figure 29. Company Positioning & Concentration
- Interfood Holding BV.
- Lactalis Ingredients.
- Hiroland Domestic and Foreign Trade Ltd Co.
- Valio Ltd.
- Charotar Casein Co.
- Dairygold Cooperative Society Limited.
- Royal FrieslandCampina NV.
- Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the Asia Pacific demineralized whey powder market.
- Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.
- The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Asia Pacific demineralized whey powder market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies.
- Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.
- Scrutinize in-depth Asia Pacific market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the Asia Pacific demineralized whey powder market, as well as those hindering it.
- Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing, and distribution.