Previsioni di mercato delle soluzioni Track and Trace in Europa fino al 2030 - Analisi regionale - per componente (hardware e software), dimensione aziendale (PMI e grandi imprese), applicazione (serializzazione e aggregazione) e utenti finali (farmaceutico, dispositivi medici, beni di consumo, alimentare & Bevande e altri)

BMIRE00030435 | Pages: 113 | Technology, Media and Telecommunications | Jul 2024 | Type: Regional | Status: Published
Il mercato europeo delle soluzioni track and trace è stato valutato a 1.873,77 milioni di dollari nel 2022 e si prevede che raggiungerà i 6.050,11 milioni di dollari entro il 2030; si stima registrerà un CAGR del 15,8% dal 2022 al 2030.

Un numero crescente di richiami di prodotti legati agli imballaggi guida il mercato delle soluzioni Track and Trace in Europa.

Richiami di prodotti causati da problemi con grafica e Gli imballaggi rappresentano un problema costante per molte aziende farmaceutiche e di consumo. I problemi possono provenire da diverse aree, come distinte base non standardizzate, errori di traduzione, errori di battitura e scarsa correzione di bozze, risorse digitali scadute, scarsa qualità di stampa, fornitori di grafica di terze parti e tipografie.

I richiami di prodotti non causano solo danni finanziari alle aziende, ma ne compromettono anche lo status e possono causare un calo delle cifre di vendita in futuro.

Normative più severe, soprattutto nei segmenti farmaceutico e alimentare, e la crescente consapevolezza dei consumatori sulla qualità dei prodotti hanno aumentato la necessità di soluzioni innovative per garantire la sicurezza dei prodotti lungo l\'intera catena del valore. Gli errori di etichettatura dei prodotti farmaceutici hanno generato molte notizie a livello mondiale. Sono la principale causa di richiami di prodotti nell’industria farmaceutica.

Nell\'UE e in tutto il mondo, i titolari dell\'autorizzazione all\'immissione in commercio farmaceutica e altre autorità si trovano ad affrontare la stessa sfida del ritiro. Sebbene i sistemi di visione automatizzati possano prevenire o limitare alcuni richiami durante la produzione prima che i prodotti vengano immessi sul mercato, altri non possono essere previsti.

Inoltre, secondo le stime del Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute, oltre il 50% dei richiami di prodotti farmaceutici sono legati a errori di etichettatura o di grafica dell\'imballaggio. Questi errori sono problematici e i dettagli possono portare a significative imprecisioni nell\'imballaggio e nell\'etichettatura dei prodotti farmaceutici. Gli errori più comuni includono errori grossolani, che si verificano quando mancano le informazioni necessarie nell\'opera d\'arte, errori di contenuto, difetti di contesto e significato ed errori tecnici, come codici a barre disfunzionali. Una volta che si verifica un problema, è necessario identificarne la fonte per evitare che si ripeta. Prevenire gli errori di etichettatura è cruciale quanto contenere le imprecisioni nello sviluppo dei farmaci. L\'etichettatura RFID può essere integrata in sistemi di tracciabilità altamente sicuri ed efficaci per ridurre i casi di errori di etichettatura. Pertanto, l’aumento dei casi di richiami di prodotti sta influenzando positivamente la crescita del mercato delle soluzioni di tracciabilità.

Panoramica del mercato delle soluzioni Track & Trace in Europa

Il mercato europeo delle soluzioni Track & Trace è segmentato in Germania, Regno Unito, Francia, Italia, Spagna e resto d\'Europa. La regione detiene una quota di mercato significativa nel mercato delle soluzioni track & trace. Si prevede che il mercato europeo delle soluzioni track & trace assisterà a una crescita significativa durante il periodo di previsione a causa di fattori quali il lancio di prodotti innovativi da parte degli attori del mercato nella regione e la presenza dei principali attori competitivi.

Secondo un articolo pubblicato sul sito Mondaq, nel febbraio 2020, il governo federale tedesco ha approvato una risoluzione relativa al miglioramento della tracciabilità dei prodotti alimentari e dei mangimi. Inoltre, il Consiglio federale ha raccomandato al governo tedesco di annunciare una modifica al Codice tedesco degli alimenti e dei mangimi, regolando gli obblighi di trasmissione delle informazioni per la tracciabilità degli alimenti. Secondo la proposta, i produttori di alimenti e mangimi saranno tenuti a presentare all’autorità competente entro 24 ore le informazioni sulla tracciabilità in formato elettronico e in un formato uniforme. Tali raccomandazioni per la tracciabilità aiuteranno a tracciare in modo rapido ed efficace i percorsi di consegna dei prodotti alimentari.

Il governo tedesco fornisce finanziamenti per la ricerca e lo sviluppo nel campo della sicurezza e della tracciabilità alimentare, aiutandone così lo sviluppo e la rapida introduzione sul mercato. In Germania la soluzione track and trace per alimenti e bevande si è ampliata negli ultimi anni grazie al progresso delle nuove tecnologie nel settore. Tuttavia, prodotti come verdure, frutta, cereali e alimenti trasformati presentavano casi di contaminazione da parte di microrganismi patogeni come batteri, che hanno portato a oltre il 40% dei richiami di prodotti in Germania. Pertanto, la tracciabilità degli alimenti è importante e presenta un grande potenziale sul mercato per migliorare l’efficienza e ridurre i richiami di prodotti.

Entrate e previsioni del mercato delle soluzioni di tracciabilità in Europa fino al 2030 (milioni di dollari)

Segmentazione del mercato delle soluzioni di tracciabilità in Europa

Il mercato delle soluzioni di tracciabilità in Europa è classificato in componenti, dimensioni aziendali, applicazioni, utenti finali e paese.

Sulla base dei componenti, il mercato europeo delle soluzioni track and trace è suddiviso in hardware e software. Il segmento software deteneva una quota di mercato più ampia in Europa per le soluzioni di tracciabilità e tracciabilità nel 2022. Inoltre, il segmento software è suddiviso in sottocategorie in direttore di stabilimento, controller di linea e altri. Inoltre, il segmento hardware è suddiviso in scanner di codici a barre, lettore di identificazione a radiofrequenza (RFID) e altri.

In termini di dimensione aziendale, il mercato europeo delle soluzioni track and trace è segmentato in PMI e grandi imprese. Il segmento delle grandi imprese deteneva una quota di mercato maggiore delle soluzioni di tracciabilità in Europa nel 2022.

In base all\'applicazione, il mercato delle soluzioni di tracciabilità in Europa è suddiviso in soluzioni di serializzazione e soluzioni di aggregazione. Il segmento delle soluzioni di serializzazione ha detenuto una quota di mercato più ampia in Europa delle soluzioni di tracciabilità nel 2022.

In termini di utenti finali, il mercato europeo delle soluzioni di tracciabilità è classificato in prodotti farmaceutici, dispositivi medici, beni di consumo, alimenti e bevande , e altri. Il segmento dei beni di consumo ha detenuto la maggiore quota di mercato delle soluzioni di tracciabilità in Europa nel 2022.

In base al paese, il mercato delle soluzioni di tracciabilità in Europa è classificato in Germania, Francia, Italia, Regno Unito, Spagna e Resto d\'Europa. La Germania ha dominato la quota di mercato delle soluzioni track and trace in Europa nel 2022.

ALLTEC Angewandte Laserlicht Technologie GmbH, Catalyx, Domino Printing Sciences plc, Jekson Vison Pvt Ltd, Kezzler AS, Korber AG, rfxcel Corp, SAP SE, Uhlmann Pac-Systeme GmbH & Co KG, Videojet Technologies Inc e WIPOTEC GmbH sono alcune delle aziende leader che operano nel mercato europeo delle soluzioni track and trace.



1. Introduction

1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.2 Market Segmentation

2. Executive Summary

2.1 Key Insights

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Coverage

3.2 Secondary Research

3.3 Primary Research

4. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Key Market Dynamics

4.1 Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Key Market Dynamics

4.2 Market Drivers

4.2.1 Implementation of Serialization to Combat Counterfeit Drugs

4.2.2 Increasing Number of Packaging-Related Product Recalls

4.3 Market Restraints

4.3.1 High Cost of Products and Implementation

4.4 Market Opportunities

4.4.1 Supply Chain Optimization

4.5 Future Trends

4.5.1 Continuous Technological Advancements

4.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints:

5. Track and Trace Solutions Market - Europe Market Analysis

5.1 Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2020-2030

5.2 Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Forecast Analysis

6. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Analysis - by Component

6.1 Software

6.1.1 Overview

6.1.2 Software: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

6.2 Hardware

6.2.1 Overview

6.2.2 Hardware: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

7. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Analysis - by Application

7.1 Serialization Solution

7.1.1 Overview

7.1.2 Serialization Solution: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

7.2 Aggregation Solution

7.2.1 Overview

7.2.2 Aggregation Solution: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

8. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Analysis - by Enterprises Size

8.1 SMEs

8.1.1 Overview

8.1.2 SMEs: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

8.2 Large Enterprises

8.2.1 Overview

8.2.2 Large Enterprises: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

9. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Analysis - by End Users

9.1 Pharmaceutical

9.1.1 Overview

9.1.2 Pharmaceutical: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

9.2 Medical Devices

9.2.1 Overview

9.2.2 Medical Devices: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

9.3 Consumer Goods

9.3.1 Overview

9.3.2 Consumer Goods: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

9.4 Food and Beverages

9.4.1 Overview

9.4.2 Food and Beverages: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

9.5 Others

9.5.1 Overview

9.5.2 Others: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

10. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Country Analysis

10.1 Europe

10.1.1 Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Component Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Software Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Hardware Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Application Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Enterprises Size Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by End Users France: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) France: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Component France: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Software France: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Hardware France: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Application France: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Enterprises Size France: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by End Users United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Component United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Software United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Hardware United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Application United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Enterprises Size United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by End Users Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Component Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Software Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Hardware Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Application Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Enterprises Size Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by End Users Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Component Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Software Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Hardware Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Application Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Enterprises Size Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by End Users Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Component Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Software Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Hardware Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Application Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Enterprises Size Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by End Users

11. Industry Landscape

11.1 Overview

11.2 Growth Strategies Done by the Companies in the Market, (%)

11.3 Organic Developments

11.3.1 Overview

11.4 Inorganic Developments

11.4.1 Overview

12. Company Profiles

12.1 SAP SE

12.1.1 Key Facts

12.1.2 Business Description

12.1.3 Products and Services

12.1.4 Financial Overview

12.1.5 SWOT Analysis

12.1.6 Key Developments

12.2 Uhlmann Pac-Systeme GmbH & Co KG

12.2.1 Key Facts

12.2.2 Business Description

12.2.3 Products and Services

12.2.4 Financial Overview

12.2.5 SWOT Analysis

12.2.6 Key Developments


12.3.1 Key Facts

12.3.2 Business Description

12.3.3 Products and Services

12.3.4 Financial Overview

12.3.5 SWOT Analysis

12.3.6 Key Developments

12.4 Korber AG

12.4.1 Key Facts

12.4.2 Business Description

12.4.3 Products and Services

12.4.4 Financial Overview

12.4.5 SWOT Analysis

12.4.6 Key Developments

12.5 ALLTEC Angewandte Laserlicht Technologie GmbH

12.5.1 Key Facts

12.5.2 Business Description

12.5.3 Products and Services

12.5.4 Financial Overview

12.5.5 SWOT Analysis

12.5.6 Key Developments

12.6 Videojet Technologies Inc

12.6.1 Key Facts

12.6.2 Business Description

12.6.3 Products and Services

12.6.4 Financial Overview

12.6.5 SWOT Analysis

12.6.6 Key Developments

12.7 Domino Printing Sciences plc

12.7.1 Key Facts

12.7.2 Business Description

12.7.3 Products and Services

12.7.4 Financial Overview

12.7.5 SWOT Analysis

12.7.6 Key Developments

12.8 Kezzler AS

12.8.1 Key Facts

12.8.2 Business Description

12.8.3 Products and Services

12.8.4 Financial Overview

12.8.5 SWOT Analysis

12.8.6 Key Developments

12.9 rfxcel Corp

12.9.1 Key Facts

12.9.2 Business Description

12.9.3 Products and Services

12.9.4 Financial Overview

12.9.5 SWOT Analysis

12.9.6 Key Developments

12.10 Catalyx

12.10.1 Key Facts

12.10.2 Business Description

12.10.3 Products and Services

12.10.4 Financial Overview

12.10.5 SWOT Analysis

12.10.6 Key Developments

12.11 Jekson Vison Pvt Ltd

12.11.1 Key Facts

12.11.2 Business Description

12.11.3 Products and Services

12.11.4 Financial Overview

12.11.5 SWOT Analysis

12.11.6 Key Developments

13. Appendix

13.1 About Us

13.2 Glossary of Terms

List of Tables

Table 1. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Segmentation

Table 2. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Table 3. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Component

Table 4. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Software

Table 5. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Hardware

Table 6. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Application

Table 7. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by Enterprises Size

Table 8. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million) - by End Users

Table 9. Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Component

Table 10. Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Software

Table 11. Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Hardware

Table 12. Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 13. Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Enterprises Size

Table 14. Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by End Users

Table 15. France: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Component

Table 16. France: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Software

Table 17. France: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Hardware

Table 18. France: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 19. France: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Enterprises Size

Table 20. France: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by End Users

Table 21. United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Component

Table 22. United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Software

Table 23. United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Hardware

Table 24. United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 25. United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Enterprises Size

Table 26. United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by End Users

Table 27. Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Component

Table 28. Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Software

Table 29. Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Hardware

Table 30. Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 31. Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Enterprises Size

Table 32. Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by End Users

Table 33. Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Component

Table 34. Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Software

Table 35. Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Hardware

Table 36. Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 37. Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Enterprises Size

Table 38. Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by End Users

Table 39. Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Component

Table 40. Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Software

Table 41. Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Hardware

Table 42. Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 43. Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by Enterprises Size

Table 44. Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million) - by End Users

Table 45. Organic Developments Done by Companies

Table 46. Inorganic Developments Done by Companies

Table 47. Glossary of Terms, Track and Trace Market

List of Figures

Figure 1. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Segmentation, by Country

Figure 2. Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

Figure 3. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2022-2030

Figure 4. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Share (%) - by Component (2022 and 2030)

Figure 5. Software: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 6. Hardware: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 7. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Share (%) - by Application (2022 and 2030)

Figure 8. Serialization Solution: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 9. Aggregation Solution: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 10. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Share (%) - by Enterprises Size (2022 and 2030)

Figure 11. SMEs: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 12. Large Enterprises: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 13. Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market Share (%) - by End Users (2022 and 2030)

Figure 14. Pharmaceutical: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 15. Medical Devices: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 16. Consumer Goods: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 17. Food and Beverages: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 18. Others: Europe Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030 (US$ Million)

Figure 19. Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market Revenue, by Key Countries, (2022) (US$ Mn)

Figure 20. Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market Breakdown, by Key Countries, 2022 and 2030 (%)

Figure 21. Germany: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million)

Figure 22. France: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million)

Figure 23. United Kingdom: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million)

Figure 24. Italy: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million)

Figure 25. Spain: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million)

Figure 26. Rest of Europe: Track and Trace Solutions Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2030(US$ Million)

Figure 27. Growth Strategies Done by the Companies in the Market, (%)

1. ALLTEC Angewandte Laserlicht Technologie GmbH 
2. Catalyx 
3. Domino Printing Sciences plc 
4. Jekson Vison Pvt Ltd 
5. Kezzler AS 
6. Korber AG 
7. rfxcel Corp 
8. SAP SE 
9. Uhlmann Pac-Systeme GmbH & Co KG 
10. Videojet Technologies Inc 

  • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the Europe track and trace solutions market.
  • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.
  • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Europe track and trace solutions market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies.
  • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.
  • Scrutinize in-depth Europe market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the Europe track and trace solutions market, as well as those hindering it.
  • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing, and distribution.
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