Previsioni di mercato delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche in Europa fino al 2031 – Analisi regionale – per tipo (valvole di bilanciamento statico, valvole di bilanciamento a orifizio fisso, valvole di bilanciamento automatico e valvole di controllo del flusso indipendenti dalla pressione), tipo di connessione (flangiata, filettata e altre), dimensioni (meno di 5 pollici, 6-10 pollici, 11-20 pollici e oltre 20 pollici) e applicazione (residenziale, commerciale e industriale)

BMIRE00031076 | Pages: 92 | Manufacturing and Construction | Dec 2024 | Status: Published
Il mercato europeo delle valvole di bilanciamento idronico è stato valutato a 317,13 milioni di dollari nel 2023 e si prevede che raggiungerà i 509,78 milioni di dollari entro il 2031; si stima che registrerà un CAGR del 6,1% dal 2023 al 2031.

La crescente applicazione delle valvole di bilanciamento idronico per i sistemi HVAC nel settore petrolifero e del gas guida il mercato europeo delle valvole di bilanciamento idronico

Nel settore petrolifero e del gas, le valvole di bilanciamento idronico aiutano principalmente a regolare e bilanciare il flusso di liquidi. Queste valvole aiutano a garantire che ogni circuito di riscaldamento o raffreddamento riceva la giusta quantità di flusso di liquidi, consentendo prestazioni ottimali ed efficienza energetica. Con il rapido aumento dell\'industrializzazione, la domanda di petrolio e gas è cresciuta notevolmente in tutto il mondo. La produzione di petrolio greggio dell\'Organizzazione dei Paesi esportatori di petrolio (OPEG) è aumentata costantemente da circa 400.000 barili al giorno a gennaio 2016 a circa 800.000 barili al giorno entro la fine del secondo trimestre del 2021.

A novembre 2021, Equinor, una società di raffinazione del petrolio, ha annunciato un investimento di 8,8 miliardi di dollari USA per il progresso della scoperta di petrolio di Wisting nel Mare di Barents Artico, il giacimento petrolifero più settentrionale del mondo. Il governo russo ha anche annunciato la sua strategia per aumentare la capacità di produzione di GNL a circa 140 milioni di tonnellate all\'anno entro il 2035. Inoltre, con la crescente enfasi sulla riduzione delle emissioni di carbonio, i governi di diverse nazioni stanno supportando le centrali elettriche a gas rispetto a quelle a carbone, poiché il gas naturale emette meno carbonio del carbone; ciò aumenta la domanda di gas naturale. Inoltre, il sistema HVAC svolge un ruolo cruciale nel settore petrolifero e del gas per garantire condizioni di lavoro adeguate per un\'attrezzatura. Le fabbriche di petrolio e gas utilizzano HVAC con progetti appropriati incentrati sul miglioramento della produttività e sulla garanzia della sicurezza in ambienti pericolosi. Queste strutture contengono macchinari e attrezzature sensibili che richiedono temperature controllate per prestazioni e longevità ottimali. La progettazione HVAC aiuta a regolare queste condizioni, prevenendo danni alle attrezzature e tempi di fermo. Le valvole di bilanciamento idronico sono un componente cruciale utilizzato nei sistemi HVAC. Pertanto, la crescente applicazione di valvole di bilanciamento idronico per i sistemi HVAC nel settore petrolifero e del gas guida il mercato.

Panoramica del mercato delle valvole di bilanciamento idronico in Europa

Germania, Francia, Italia, Regno Unito e Russia sono tra le principali economie in Europa. La crescente adozione di sistemi HVAC a risparmio energetico in tutta la regione spinge l\'applicazione di valvole di bilanciamento idronico in diversi paesi europei. La domanda di sistemi HVAC per il riscaldamento o il raffreddamento è in aumento a causa dei crescenti requisiti negli spazi industriali, commerciali e residenziali, che guidano il mercato europeo delle valvole di bilanciamento idronico in Europa. Un\'impennata nella costruzione di nuovi edifici residenziali, la crescita del reddito disponibile, l\'aumento delle spese medie di costruzione, la rapida urbanizzazione in diverse economie europee e l\'aumento delle spese governative per lo sviluppo di edifici sostenibili sono i principali fattori che guidano l\'adozione di sistemi HVAC in Europa, che stimolano la domanda di valvole di bilanciamento idroniche. Le normative formate dai governi in Europa in conformità con l\'efficienza energetica e la crescente preferenza per refrigeranti ecocompatibili in paesi come Regno Unito, Germania e Francia rafforzano la richiesta di sistemi HVAC avanzati, che sta anche alimentando la crescita del mercato europeo delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche in Europa. La presenza di produttori di valvole di bilanciamento idroniche come Oventrop GmbH & Co. KG, Caleffi Spa, Frese A/S e altri contribuisce alla crescita del mercato europeo delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche in Europa.

Ricavi e previsioni del mercato delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche in Europa fino al 2031 (milioni di $ USA)

Segmentazione del mercato delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche in Europa

Il mercato delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche in Europa è suddiviso in tipo, tipo di connessione, dimensioni, applicazione e paese.

In base ai tipi, il mercato delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche in Europa è suddiviso in valvole di bilanciamento statiche, valvole di bilanciamento a orifizio fisso, valvole di bilanciamento automatiche e valvole di controllo del flusso indipendenti dalla pressione. Il segmento delle valvole di bilanciamento statiche ha detenuto la quota di mercato maggiore nel 2023.

In termini di tipo di connessione, il mercato delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche in Europa è suddiviso in flangiate, filettate e altre. Il segmento flangiato ha detenuto la quota di mercato maggiore nel 2023.

In base alle dimensioni, il mercato delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche in Europa è suddiviso in meno di 5 pollici, 6-10 pollici, 11-20 pollici e oltre 20 pollici. Il segmento inferiore a 5 pollici ha detenuto la quota di mercato più grande nel 2023.

Per applicazione, il mercato europeo delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche è segmentato in residenziale, commerciale e industriale. Il segmento residenziale ha detenuto la quota di mercato più grande nel 2023.

Per paese, il mercato europeo delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche è segmentato in Germania, Italia, Francia, Regno Unito, Russia e resto d\'Europa. La Germania ha dominato la quota di mercato delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche in Europa nel 2023.

Caleffi Spa, Danfoss AS, Johnson Controls International Plc, Oventrop GmbH & Co. KG, Victaulic Company e Xylem Inc. sono alcune delle aziende leader che operano nel mercato europeo delle valvole di bilanciamento idroniche.

1.           Introduction

1.1       The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.2       Market Segmentation

2.           Executive Summary

2.1       Key Insights

2.2       Market Attractiveness

3.           Research Methodology

3.1       Secondary Research

3.2       Primary Research

3.2.1         Hypothesis formulation:

3.2.2         Macro-economic factor analysis:

3.2.3         Developing base number:

3.2.4         Data Triangulation:

3.2.5         Country level data:

4.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Landscape

4.1       Overview

4.2       Ecosystem Analysis

4.2.1         Raw Materials Suppliers-

4.2.2         Manufacturing and Assembly:

4.2.3         Distribution and Logistics:

4.2.4         End Users:

4.2.5         List of Vendors in the Value Chain

5.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Key Market Dynamics

5.1       Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Key Market Dynamics

5.2       Market Drivers

5.2.1         Increasing Demand for Energy-efficient Solutions

5.2.2         Growing Application of Hydronic Balancing Valves for HVAC Systems in Oil & Gas Industry

5.3       Market Restraints

5.3.1         High Cost of Installation, Repair, and Maintenance of Hydronic Balancing Valves

5.4       Market Opportunities

5.4.1         Integration of Smart Technology into Hydronic Balancing Valves

5.5       Future Trends

5.5.1         Utilization of Sustainable Materials and Components in Public Infrastructure

5.6       Impact of Drivers and Restraints:

6.           Hydronic Balancing Valves Market –Europe Market Analysis

6.1       Overview

6.2       Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021–2031

6.3       Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Forecast Analysis

7.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Analysis – by Type

7.1       Static Balancing Valves

7.1.1         Overview

7.1.2         Static Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

7.2       Fixed-Orifice Balancing Valves

7.2.1         Overview

7.2.2         Fixed-Orifice Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.3       Automatic Balancing Valves

7.3.1         Overview

7.3.2         Automatic Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.4       Pressure-Independent Flow Control Valves

7.4.1         Overview

7.4.2         Pressure-Independent Flow Control Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Analysis – by Connection Type

8.1       Flanged

8.1.1         Overview

8.1.2         Flanged: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.2       Threaded

8.2.1         Overview

8.2.2         Threaded: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.3       Others

8.3.1         Overview

8.3.2         Others: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Analysis – by Size

9.1       Less than 5 Inches

9.1.1         Overview

9.1.2         Less than 5 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

9.2       6-10 Inches

9.2.1         Overview

9.2.2         6-10 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.3       11 - 20 Inches

9.3.1         Overview

9.3.2         11-20 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.4       Above 20 Inches

9.4.1         Overview

9.4.2         Above 20 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

10.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Analysis – by Application

10.1     Residential

10.1.1       Overview

10.1.2       Residential: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

10.2     Commercial

10.2.1       Overview

10.2.2       Commercial: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

10.3     Industrial

10.3.1       Overview

10.3.2       Industrial: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

11.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Country Analysis

11.1     Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market, By Key Countries- Revenue (2023) (US$ Million)

11.1.1       Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market by Key Countries, 2023 and 2031 (%)          Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country          Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application          Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application          France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application          United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application          Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application          Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application

12.        Competitive Landscape

12.1     Company Positioning & Concentration

12.2     Heat Map Analysis

13.        Industry Landscape

13.1     Overview

13.2     Market Initiative

13.3     Product Development

13.4     Mergers & Acquisitions

14.        Company Profiles

14.1     Danfoss AS

14.1.1       Key Facts

14.1.2       Business Description

14.1.3       Products and Services

14.1.4       Financial Overview

14.1.5       SWOT Analysis

14.1.6       Key Developments

14.2     Johnson Controls International Plc

14.2.1       Key Facts

14.2.2       Business Description

14.2.3       Products and Services

14.2.4       Financial Overview

14.2.5       SWOT Analysis

14.2.6       Key Developments

14.3     Xylem Inc.

14.3.1       Key Facts

14.3.2       Business Description

14.3.3       Products and Services

14.3.4       Financial Overview

14.3.5       SWOT Analysis

14.3.6       Key Developments

14.4     Victaulic Company

14.4.1       Key Facts

14.4.2       Business Description

14.4.3       Products and Services

14.4.4       Financial Overview

14.4.5       SWOT Analysis

14.4.6       Key Developments

14.5     Frese A/S

14.5.1       Key Facts

14.5.2       Business Description

14.5.3       Products and Services

14.5.4       Financial Overview

14.5.5       SWOT Analysis

14.5.6       Key Developments

14.6     Oventrop GmbH & Co. KG

14.6.1       Key Facts

14.6.2       Business Description

14.6.3       Products and Services

14.6.4       Financial Overview

14.6.5       SWOT Analysis

14.6.6       Key Developments

14.7     Caleffi S.p.a.

14.7.1       Key Facts

14.7.2       Business Description

14.7.3       Products and Services

14.7.4       Financial Overview

14.7.5       SWOT Analysis

14.7.6       Key Developments

15.        Appendix

15.1     About The Insight Partners


List of Tables

Table 1.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Segmentation

Table 2.             List of Vendors

Table 3.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Table 4.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Type

Table 5.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 6.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Size

Table 7.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Application

Table 8.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Country

Table 9.             Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Type

Table 10.          Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 11.          Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Size

Table 12.          Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Application

Table 13.          Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Type

Table 14.          Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 15.          Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Size

Table 16.          Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Application

Table 17.          France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Type

Table 18.          France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 19.          France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Size

Table 20.          France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Application

Table 21.          United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) –  by Type

Table 22.          United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 23.          United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) –  by Size

Table 24.          United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) –  by Application

Table 25.          Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Type

Table 26.          Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) –  by Connection Type

Table 27.          Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Size

Table 28.          Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Application

Table 29.          Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Type

Table 30.          Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 31.          Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Size

Table 32.          Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Application

List of Figures

Figure 1.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Segmentation, by Country

Figure 2.           Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

Figure 3.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021–2031

Figure 4.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Share (%) – by Type (2023 and 2031)

Figure 5.           Static Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

Figure 6.           Fixed-Orifice Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

Figure 7.           Automatic Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

Figure 8.           Pressure-Independent Flow Control Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 9.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Share (%) – by Connection Type (2023 and 2031)

Figure 10.        Flanged: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 11.        Threaded: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 12.        Others: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 13.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Share (%) – by Size (2023 and 2031)

Figure 14.        Less than 5 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 15.        6-10 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 16.      11-20 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 17.        Above 20 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 18.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Share (%) – by Application (2023 and 2031)

Figure 19.        Residential: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 20.        Commercial: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 21.        Industrial: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 22.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market, By Key Countries – Revenue (2023) (US$ Million)

Figure 23.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Key Countries, 2023 and 2031 (%)

Figure 24.        Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 25.        Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 26.        France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 27.        United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 28.        Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 29.        Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 30.        Company Positioning & Concentration

Figure 31.        Heat Map Analysis

  • Caleffi S.p.a.
  • Danfoss AS 
  • Johnson Controls International Plc
  • Oventrop GmbH & Co. KG 
  • Victaulic Company 
  • Xylem Inc.
  • Frese A/S
  • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the Europe hydronic balancing valves market.    
  • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.
  • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Europe hydronic balancing valves market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies.
  • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.
  • Scrutinize in-depth Europe market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the Europe hydronic balancing valves market, as well as those hindering it.
  • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing, and distribution.
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