Previsioni di mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni nell\'area Asia-Pacifico fino al 2031 - Analisi regionale - per tipo di distribuzione (cloud e on-premise), dimensioni aziendali (grandi imprese e PMI) e applicazione (aziendale, sanitaria, governativa e altre)

BMIRE00030981 | Pages: 77 | Technology, Media and Telecommunications | Nov 2024 | Type: Regional | Status: Published
Il mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni dell\'Asia Pacifica è stato valutato a 1.025,61 milioni di dollari nel 2023 e si prevede che raggiungerà i 2.580,50 milioni di dollari entro il 2031; si stima che registrerà un CAGR del 12,2% dal 2023 al 2031.

La crescente adozione della digitalizzazione stimola il mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni dell\'Asia Pacifica

Le organizzazioni stanno abbracciando la trasformazione digitale, portando a una crescente necessità di strumenti efficienti per facilitare la collaborazione virtuale, semplificare la comunicazione e migliorare la produttività. A causa di tale trasformazione, le aziende cercano soluzioni in grado di supportare efficacemente ambienti di lavoro remoti e distribuiti. Inoltre, l\'integrazione della tecnologia digitale con le operazioni aziendali sta cambiando radicalmente il modo in cui le organizzazioni operano e forniscono valore ai propri stakeholder. Di conseguenza, i fornitori di software di gestione delle riunioni possono soddisfare le mutevoli esigenze delle aziende guidate dal digitale.

Inoltre, numerose entità pubbliche dipendono da metodi obsoleti e basati sulla carta durante lo svolgimento delle riunioni, con conseguente notevole spreco di tempo e risorse. Questi processi inefficienti comportano costi inutili e ostacolano la produttività. Secondo una ricerca pubblicata dalla Municipalità Regionale di York, le organizzazioni, in media, possono ottenere una riduzione dell\'81% dei costi di stampa per riunione tramite l\'utilizzo della tecnologia di gestione delle riunioni. Il software di gestione delle riunioni offre alle organizzazioni la possibilità di generare, distribuire, modificare e collaborare digitalmente sui materiali delle riunioni, offrendo un\'alternativa più efficiente e conveniente ai tradizionali metodi cartacei. Spesso, i materiali delle riunioni sono dispersi in varie sedi e le aziende si affidano alla posta elettronica o alle unità condivise per la distribuzione, il che comporta difficoltà nell\'individuazione tempestiva dei dati richiesti. Il software di gestione delle riunioni offre alle organizzazioni una piattaforma unificata e sicura per l\'archiviazione di tutti i file, le risorse e le attività correlate alle riunioni. Ciò consente sia agli amministratori che ai partecipanti di accedere comodamente alle informazioni richieste. Pertanto, si prevede che la crescente adozione della digitalizzazione creerà opportunità redditizie per la crescita del mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni durante il periodo di previsione.

Panoramica del mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni in Asia Pacifico

Le aziende in Cina hanno dovuto affrontare gravi sfide durante la pandemia di COVID-19. La crescente adozione del modello di lavoro da remoto, guidata dagli impatti della crisi del COVID-19, ha portato i datori di lavoro a consentire a molti dipendenti di lavorare da casa rapidamente e virtualmente durante la notte. A dicembre 2021, il numero di lavoratori da remoto in Cina è salito a 469 milioni, denotando un significativo aumento del 35,7% su base annua, come riportato dal 49° China Statistical Report on Internet Development, presentato nell\'edizione estera del People\'s Daily. Questo sostanziale aumento del lavoro da remoto evidenzia la crescente dipendenza dagli strumenti di collaborazione remota. Di conseguenza, la domanda di software di gestione delle riunioni in Cina sta aumentando poiché organizzazioni e individui cercano soluzioni efficaci per facilitare la comunicazione e il coordinamento senza interruzioni negli ambienti di lavoro virtuali.

Fatturato e previsioni del mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni nell\'Asia Pacifica fino al 2031 (milioni di $ USA)

Segmentazione del mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni nell\'Asia Pacifica

Il mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni nell\'Asia Pacifica è segmentato in base al tipo di distribuzione, alle dimensioni dell\'azienda, all\'applicazione e al paese. In base al tipo di distribuzione, il mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni dell\'Asia Pacifico è segmentato in cloud e on-premise. Il segmento cloud ha detenuto una quota di mercato maggiore nel 2023.

In termini di dimensioni aziendali, il mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni dell\'Asia Pacifico è segmentato in grandi aziende e PMI. Il segmento delle grandi aziende ha detenuto una quota di mercato maggiore nel 2023.

In base all\'applicazione, il mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni dell\'Asia Pacifico è suddiviso in aziendale, sanitario, governativo e altri. Il segmento aziendale ha detenuto la quota di mercato maggiore nel 2023.

In base al paese, il mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni dell\'Asia Pacifico è segmentato in Cina, Giappone, India, Corea del Sud, Australia e resto dell\'Asia Pacifico. La Cina ha dominato la quota di mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni dell\'Asia Pacifico nel 2023.

Cisco Systems, Inc; Intelex Technologies Inc; Cvent Inc; Televic; Tyler Technologies, Inc.; e Decisions sono alcuni dei principali attori che operano nel mercato del software di gestione delle riunioni dell\'Asia Pacifico.



1. Introduction

1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.2 Market Segmentation

2. Executive Summary

2.1 Key Insights

2.2 Market Attractiveness

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Coverage

3.2 Secondary Research

3.3 Primary Research

4. Meeting Management Software Market Landscape

4.1 Overview

4.2 PEST Analysis

4.3 Ecosystem Analysis

4.3.1 Meeting Management Software Providers:

4.3.2 System Integrators:

4.3.3 End-Users:

4.3.4 List of Vendors in the Value Chain

5. Meeting Management Software Market - Key Market Dynamics

5.1 Meeting Management Software Market - Key Market Dynamics

5.2 Market Drivers

5.2.1 Increasing Demand for Virtual Meetings

5.2.2 Increasing Cost of Unproductive Meetings

5.3 Market Restraints

5.3.1 High Cost Associated with the Software

5.4 Market Opportunities

5.4.1 Increasing Adoption of Digitalization

5.4.2 Strategic Developments by Key Market Players

5.5 Future Trends

5.5.1 Integration of Machine Learning with Software

5.6 Impact of Drivers and Restraints:

6. Meeting Management Software Market -Asia Pacific Analysis

6.1 Meeting Management Software Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021-2031

6.2 Meeting Management Software Market Forecast Analysis

7. Meeting Management Software Market Analysis - by Deployment Type

7.1 Cloud

7.1.1 Overview

7.1.2 Cloud: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.2 On Premises

7.2.1 Overview

7.2.2 On Premises: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8. Meeting Management Software Market Analysis - by Enterprise Size

8.1 Large Enterprises

8.1.1 Overview

8.1.2 Large Enterprises: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.2 SMEs

8.2.1 Overview

8.2.2 SMEs: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9. Meeting Management Software Market Analysis - by Application

9.1 Corporate

9.1.1 Overview

9.1.2 Corporate: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.2 Healthcare

9.2.1 Overview

9.2.2 Healthcare: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.3 Government

9.3.1 Overview

9.3.2 Government: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.4 Others

9.4.1 Overview

9.4.2 Others: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

10. Asia Pacific Meeting Management Software Market - Country Analysis

10.1 Asia Pacific: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country

10.1.1 Asia Pacific: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast Analysis - by Country

10.1.2 China: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) China: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type China: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Enterprise Size China: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Application

10.1.3 Japan: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Japan: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Japan: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Enterprise Size Japan: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Application

10.1.4 South Korea: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) South Korea: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type South Korea: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Enterprise Size South Korea: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Application

10.1.5 India: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) India: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type India: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Enterprise Size India: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Application

10.1.6 Australia: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Australia: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Australia: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Enterprise Size Australia: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Application

10.1.7 Rest of APAC: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Rest of APAC: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Deployment Type Rest of APAC: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Enterprise Size Rest of APAC: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Application

11. Competitive Landscape

11.1 Company Positioning & Concentration

11.2 Heat Map Analysis by Key Players

12. Industry Landscape

12.1 Overview

12.2 Market Initiative

12.2 New Product Development

13. Company Profiles

13.1 Cisco Systems,Inc.

13.1.1 Key Facts

13.1.2 Business Description

13.1.3 Products and Services

13.1.4 Financial Overview

13.1.5 SWOT Analysis

13.1.6 Key Developments

13.2 Intelex Technologies Inc

13.2.1 Key Facts

13.2.2 Business Description

13.2.3 Products and Services

13.2.4 Financial Overview

13.2.5 SWOT Analysis

13.2.6 Key Developments

13.3 Cvent Inc.

13.3.1 Key Facts

13.3.2 Business Description

13.3.3 Products and Services

13.3.4 Financial Overview

13.3.5 SWOT Analysis

13.3.6 Key Developments

13.4 Televic

13.4.1 Key Facts

13.4.2 Business Description

13.4.3 Products and Services

13.4.4 Financial Overview

13.4.5 SWOT Analysis

13.4.6 Key Developments

13.5 Tyler Technologies, Inc.

13.5.1 Key Facts

13.5.2 Business Description

13.5.3 Products and Services

13.5.4 Financial Overview

13.5.5 SWOT Analysis

13.5.6 Key Developments

13.6 Decisions

13.6.1 Key Facts

13.6.2 Business Description

13.6.3 Products and Services

13.6.4 Financial Overview

13.6.5 SWOT Analysis

13.6.6 Key Developments

14. Appendix

14.1 Word Index

14.2 About The Insight Partners




List of Tables

Table 1. Meeting Management Software Market Segmentation

Table 2. List of Vendors

Table 3. Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Table 4. Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) - by Deployment Type

Table 5. Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) - by Enterprise Size

Table 6. Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) - by Application

Table 7. Asia Pacific: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Country

Table 8. China: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Deployment Type

Table 9. China: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Enterprise Size

Table 10. China: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 11. Japan: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Deployment Type

Table 12. Japan: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Enterprise Size

Table 13. Japan: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 14. South Korea: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Deployment Type

Table 15. South Korea: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Enterprise Size

Table 16. South Korea: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 17. India: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Deployment Type

Table 18. India: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Enterprise Size

Table 19. India: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 20. Australia: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Deployment Type

Table 21. Australia: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Enterprise Size

Table 22. Australia: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 23. Rest of APAC: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Deployment Type

Table 24. Rest of APAC: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Enterprise Size

Table 25. Rest of APAC: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) - by Application

Table 26. Company Positioning & Concentration

Table 27. Heat Map Analysis by Key Players

Table 28. List of Abbreviation


List of Figures

Figure 1. Meeting Management Software Market Segmentation, by Country

Figure 2. PEST Analysis

Figure 3. Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

Figure 4. Meeting Management Software Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021-2031

Figure 5. Meeting Management Software Market Share (%) - by Deployment Type (2023 and 2031)

Figure 6. Cloud: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 7. On Premises: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 8. Meeting Management Software Market Share (%) - by Enterprise Size (2023 and 2031)

Figure 9. Large Enterprises: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 10. SMEs: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 11. Meeting Management Software Market Share (%) - by Application (2023 and 2031)

Figure 12. Corporate: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 13. Healthcare: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 14. Government: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 15. Others: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 16. Asia Pacific: Meeting Management Software Market, by Key Country-Revenue (2023) (US$ Million)

Figure 17. Asia Pacific: Meeting Management Software Market Breakdown, by Key Countries, 2023 and 2031 (%)

Figure 18. China: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 19. Japan: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 20. South Korea: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 21. India: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 22. Australia: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 23. Rest of APAC: Meeting Management Software Market - Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

  1. Cisco Systems, Inc
  2. Intelex Technologies Inc
  3. Cvent Inc
  4. Televic
  5. Tyler Technologies, Inc
  6. Decisions
  • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the Asia Pacific Meeting Management Software Market.
  • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.
  • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Asia Pacific Meeting Management Software Market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies.
  • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.
  • Scrutinize in-depth Asia Pacific market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the Asia Pacific Meeting Management Software Market, as well as those hindering it.
  • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing, and distribution.
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