Pronóstico del mercado de inmunohistoquímica de Oriente Medio y África hasta 2028: impacto de COVID-19 y análisis regional por aplicación (diagnóstico y pruebas de fármacos), producto (anticuerpos, equipos, reactivos y kits) y usuario final (hospitales y laboratorios de diagnóstico, institutos de investigación). y otros)

TIPRE00025749 | Pages: 150 | Biotechnology | Nov 2021 | Type: Regional | Status: Published

Introducción al mercado

Los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU), Arabia Saudita y Sudáfrica son los 3 países principales de MEA. Arabia Saudita fue el mercado más grande de inmunohistoquímica en esta región en 2021. Arabia Saudita es uno de los países de más rápido crecimiento en Medio Oriente y África, con una gran población que padece cáncer que impulsa su crecimiento. Además, Arabia Saudita (KSA) tiene Saudi Vision 2030 que prioriza la prevención y promoción de nuevos modelos de atención de enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT). Además, la incidencia y prevalencia estimadas del cáncer aumentarán dos veces para 2030 en Arabia Saudita. Según la OMS en 2018, se registraron ~24.485 nuevos casos de cáncer en el país. Entre ellos, los casos de cáncer de mama rondaron los 3.629; Los casos de cáncer colorrectal fueron 3.564. También se espera que la presencia de laboratorios que proporcionan procedimientos de diagnóstico impulse el crecimiento del mercado. Los Laboratorios Médicos Al Borg, con sede en Arabia Saudita, por ejemplo, ofrecen una amplia gama de pruebas de laboratorio de rutina, especializadas y de subespecialidades. Ofrece servicios de medicina de laboratorio excelentes y de vanguardia en todo Oriente Medio. El gobierno propuso recientemente el Plan Estratégico de la Autoridad Saudita de Alimentos y Medicamentos (2018-2022) como su tercer plan estratégico anual. El proyecto incorpora la visión y las prioridades estratégicas desarrolladas por los reguladores de medicamentos, alimentos y dispositivos médicos. También tienen la intención de establecer un laboratorio central de pruebas en Riad con fines de investigación. Además, el Gobierno planea gastar casi 13.300 millones de dólares (50.000 millones de riales) hasta 2020 en una iniciativa para promover el entretenimiento, la salud, el deporte y la educación. Por lo tanto, es probable que el aumento de mejores instalaciones para la salud y la educación cree buenas oportunidades para el mercado de la inmunohistoquímica.

En el caso de COVID-19, MEA se ve muy afectada, especialmente Sudáfrica. Las incertidumbres económicas y los conflictos en curso están empeorando la situación en la región. Por ejemplo, países como Siria, Libia y Yemen están sufriendo conflictos violentos y no pueden implementar medidas sólidas de salud pública. Irán se encontraba en una profunda recesión económica debido a las sanciones estadounidenses. Además, la principal fuente de estabilización económica en los países de Medio Oriente es la producción y exportación de petróleo. Sin embargo, la reciente pandemia está provocando turbulencias en las economías de Oriente Medio. Una caída repentina de la demanda interna y externa de bienes y productos, especialmente petróleo crudo, y la paralización de la producción debido a la escasez de mano de obra, son los principales impactos observados en la región. La propagación del coronavirus en la región supuso una pesada carga para los profesionales sanitarios. Los cirujanos cardíacos estaban sobrecargados con cirugías cardíacas de emergencia, manejo de pacientes con coronavirus e implementación de pautas de seguridad para prevenir la propagación del virus. La rápida propagación del virus afectó a las cirugías electivas. Se prevé que estos factores obstaculicen el crecimiento del mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA.

Descripción general y dinámica del mercado

El mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA es se espera que crezca de 88,98 millones de dólares en 2021 a 136,50 millones de dólares en 2028; se estima que crecerá a una tasa compuesta anual del 6,3% de 2021 a 2028. En los últimos años, la industria de la biotecnología se está desarrollando a una velocidad extraordinariamente rápida. Los fabricantes se enfrentan a las diversas dificultades de la atención sanitaria mediante los últimos medicamentos, la digitalización progresiva, las formas de terapia y el cambio continuo de la gestión. Según las estadísticas de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), la población está aumentando un 1,2% anual, lo que lleva a un crecimiento de la población de la clase mayor. La OMS también revela que el saldo de personas entre 65 y 80 años aumentará al 28% en 2030, en comparación con el 22% en 2000. Además, la creciente urbanización y el creciente número de personas de ingresos medios hacen que los fabricantes de medicamentos fabriquen medicamentos razonables. responsable de impulsar el crecimiento del mercado. Estas formulaciones se producen en el mercado después de pasar por estrictas pautas regulatorias para la seguridad del paciente. Investigación y gastos de desarrollo en comparación con los métodos de exploración, examen y producción de productos innovadores, pagos iniciales e hitos, mejora de productos y exhibición de eficiencia del producto y cumplimiento normativo antes del lanzamiento. Por lo tanto, se espera que la alta inversión en investigación por parte de inversores, industrias biofarmacéuticas y biotecnológicas impulse el crecimiento del mercado de inmunohistoquímica durante los años previstos. Las crecientes inversiones en actividades de I+D han allanado el camino para el crecimiento de la industria en los próximos años. Muchos científicos, en colaboración con otros científicos, ofrecen diversos productos para biorreactores. Se espera que estos factores aumenten las industrias biotecnológica y biofarmacéutica para lograr pruebas eficientes que se prevé impulsen el crecimiento del mercado MEA.

Segmentos clave del mercado

En términos de producto, el segmento de anticuerpos representó la mayor participación del mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA en 2020. En términos de aplicación, el segmento de diagnóstico tuvo una mayor participación de mercado del mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA en 2020. , el segmento de hospitales y laboratorios de diagnóstico tuvo una participación mayor en el mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA según el usuario final en 2020.

Principales fuentes y empresas incluidas

Algunas de las principales fuentes primarias y secundarias a las que se hace referencia para preparar este informe sobre el mercado de inmunohistoquímica de MEA son los sitios web de las empresas, los informes anuales, los informes financieros, los documentos del gobierno nacional y las bases de datos estadísticas, entre otros. Las principales empresas que figuran en el informe son Abcam plc; Tecnologías Agilent, Inc.; Bio SB; LABORATORIOS BIO-RAD INC.; Danaher; F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE LTD.; MERCK KGaA; PerkinElmer Inc.; y THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC.

Informe de razones para comprar

< ul>
  • Comprender el panorama del mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA e identificar los segmentos de mercado que tienen más probabilidades de garantizar un fuerte retorno
  • Manténgase a la vanguardia al comprender el panorama competitivo en constante cambio para el mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA
  • Planifique de manera eficiente fusiones y adquisiciones y acuerdos de asociación en el mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA identificando segmentos de mercado con las ventas probables más prometedoras
  • Ayuda a tomar decisiones comerciales informadas a partir de un análisis perspicaz y completo del desempeño del mercado de varios segmentos del mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA
  • Obtener pronóstico de ingresos de mercado para varios segmentos de 2021 a 2028 en la región MEA.
  •  Segmentación del mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA

     Mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA - Por producto

    • Equipo
      • Sistemas de tinción de portaobjetos
      • Sistemas de microarrays de tejidos
      • Procesamiento de tejidos Sistemas
      • Escáneres de diapositivas
      • Otros equipos
    • Anticuerpos
      • Anticuerpos primarios
      • Anticuerpos secundarios
    • Reactivos
      • Tinciones histológicas
      • Reactivos de bloqueo y fijación
      • Sustratos cromogénicos
      • Reactivos de fijación
      • Estabilizadores
      • Disolventes orgánicos
      • Enzimas proteolíticas
      • Diluyentes
    • Kits

    Mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA - Por aplicación

    • Diagnóstico
      • Cáncer
      • Enfermedades infecciosas
      • Enfermedades autoinmunes
      • Diabetes mellitus
      • Enfermedades nefrológicas
      • Otras
    • Pruebas de fármacos

    Mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA - Por usuario final

    • Hospitales y laboratorios de diagnóstico
    • Institutos de investigación
    • Otros

    Mercado de inmunohistoquímica MEA: por país

    • EAU
    • Arabia Saudita
    • Sudáfrica
    • Resto de MEA  

    Mercado Inmunohistoquímica MEA: perfiles de la empresa

    • Abcam plc
    • Agilent Technologies, Inc.
    • Bio SB
    • Danaher
    • MERCK KGaA
    • PerkinElmer Inc.


    1.             Introduction

    1.1       Scope of the Study

    1.2       The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

    1.3       Market Segmentation

    1.3.1        MEA Immunohistochemistry Market – By Product

    1.3.2        MEA Immunohistochemistry Market – By Application

    1.3.3        MEA Immunohistochemistry Market – By End User

    1.3.4        MEA Immunohistochemistry Market – By Country

    2.             Key Takeaways

    3.             Research Methodology

    3.1       Coverage

    3.2       Secondary Research

    3.3       Primary Research

    4.             MEA Immunohistochemistry Market – Market Landscape

    4.1       Overview

    4.2       MEA PEST Analysis

    4.3       Experts Opinion

    5.             MEA Immunohistochemistry Market – Key Market Dynamics

    5.1       Market Drivers

    5.1.1        Surging Incidences of Chronic and Infectious Diseases

    5.1.2        Escalating R&D Investments by Biotechnology & Biopharmaceutical Companies

    5.2       Key Market Restraints

    5.2.1        Issues Related to Immunohistochemistry

    5.3       Key Market Opportunities

    5.3.1        Growing Opportunities in Emerging Countries

    5.4       Future Trends

    5.4.1        Rising Acceptance of Automation in Immunohistochemistry

    5.5       Impact Analysis

    6.             Immunohistochemistry Market – MEA Analysis

    6.1       MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue Forecast and Analysis

    7.             MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Analysis– By Product

    7.1       Overview

    7.2       MEA Immunohistochemistry Market, By Product 2021 & 2028 (%)

    7.3       Antibodies

    7.3.1        Overview

    7.3.2        Antibodies: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.3.3        Primary Antibodies      Overview      Primary Antibodies: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.3.4        Secondary Antibodies      Overview      Secondary Antibodies: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.4       Equipment Market

    7.4.1        Overview

    7.4.2        Equipment: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.4.3        Slide Staining Systems      Overview      Slide Staining Systems: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.4.4        Tissue Microarrays      Overview      Tissue Microarrays: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.4.5        Tissue Processing Systems      Overview      Tissue Processing Systems: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.4.6        Slide Scanners      Overview      Slide Scanners: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.4.7        Other Equipments      Overview      Other Equipments: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.5       Reagents Market

    7.5.1        Overview

    7.5.2        Reagents: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.5.3        Histological Stains      Overview      Histological Stains: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.5.4        Blocking Sera & Reagents Market      Overview      Blocking Sera & Reagents: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.5.5        Chromogenic Substrates Market      Overview      Chromogenic Substrates: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.5.6        Stabilizers      Overview      Stabilizers Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.5.7        Proteolytic Enzymes      Overview      Proteolytic Enzymes: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.5.8        Organic Solvents      Overview      Organic Solvents: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.5.9        Fixation Reagents      Overview      Fixation Reagents: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.5.10     Diluents    Overview    Diluents: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    7.6       Kits Market

    7.6.1        Overview

    7.6.2        Kits: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.             MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Analysis – By Application

    8.1       Overview

    8.2       MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Share by Application 2021 & 2028 (%)

    8.3       Diagnostics

    8.3.1        Overview

    8.3.2        Diagnostics Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.3.3        Cancer      Overview      Cancer Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.3.4        Infectious Diseases      Overview      Infectious Diseases Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.3.5        Autoimmune Diseases      Overview      Autoimmune Diseases Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.3.6        Diabetes Mellitus      Overview      Diabetes Mellitus Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.3.7        Nephrological Diseases      Overview      Nephrological Diseases Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.3.8        Others      Overview      Others Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    8.4       Drug Testing

    8.4.1        Overview

    8.4.2        Drug Testing Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    9.             MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Analysis– By End User

    9.1       Overview

    9.2       MEA Immunohistochemistry Market, By End User 2021 & 2028 (%)

    9.3       Hospital & Diagnostic Laboratories

    9.3.1        Overview

    9.3.2        Hospital & Diagnostic Laboratories: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    9.4       Research Institutes

    9.4.1        Overview

    9.4.2        Research Institutes: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    9.5       Others

    9.5.1        Overview

    9.5.2        Others: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    10.          MEA Immunohistochemistry Market – Country Analysis

    10.1    MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028

    10.1.1     MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Country (%)    UAE Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)    UAE Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)    UAE Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Product (US$ Mn)        UAE Diagnostics Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Equipments (US$ Mn)        UAE Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Antibodies (US$ Mn)        UAE Antibodies Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Reagents (US$ Mn)    UAE Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)        UAE Reagents Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Diagnostics (US$ Mn)    UAE Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)    Saudi Arabia Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)    Saudi Arabia Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)    Saudi Arabia Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Product (US$ Mn)        Saudi Arabia Diagnostics Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Equipments (US$ Mn)        Saudi Arabia Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Antibodies (US$ Mn)        Saudi Arabia Antibodies Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Reagents (US$ Mn)    Saudi Arabia Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)        Saudi Arabia Reagents Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Diagnostics (US$ Mn)    Saudi Arabia Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)    South Africa Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)    South Africa Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)    South Africa Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Product (US$ Mn)        South Africa Diagnostics Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Equipments (US$ Mn)        South Africa Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Antibodies (US$ Mn)        South Africa Antibodies Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Reagents (US$ Mn)    South Africa Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)        South Africa Reagents Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Diagnostics (US$ Mn)    South Africa Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)    Rest of MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)    Rest of MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)    Rest of MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Product (US$ Mn)        Rest of MEA Diagnostics Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Equipments (US$ Mn)        Rest of MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Antibodies (US$ Mn)        Rest of MEA Antibodies Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Reagents (US$ Mn)    Rest of MEA Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)        Rest of MEA Reagents Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028, By Diagnostics (US$ Mn)    Rest of MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)

    11.          Impact Of COVID-19 Pandemic on MEA Immunohistochemistry Market

    11.1    MEA: Impact Assessment of COVID-19 Pandemic

    12.          Industry Landscape

    12.1    Overview

    12.2    Organic Developments

    12.2.1     Overview

    12.3    Inorganic developments

    12.3.1     Overview

    13.          Company Profiles


    13.1.1     Key Facts

    13.1.2     Business Description

    13.1.3     Products and Services

    13.1.4     Financial Overview

    13.1.5     SWOT Analysis

    13.1.6     Key Developments

    13.2    MERCK KGaA

    13.2.1     Key Facts

    13.2.2     Business Description

    13.2.3     Products and Services

    13.2.4     Financial Overview

    13.2.5     SWOT Analysis

    13.2.6     Key Developments

    13.3    PerkinElmer Inc.

    13.3.1     Key Facts

    13.3.2     Business Description

    13.3.3     Products and Services

    13.3.4     Financial Overview

    13.3.5     SWOT Analysis

    13.3.6     Key Developments


    13.4.1     Key Facts

    13.4.2     Business Description

    13.4.3     Products and Services

    13.4.4     Financial Overview

    13.4.5     SWOT Analysis

    13.4.6     Key Developments

    13.5    Abcam plc

    13.5.1     Key Facts

    13.5.2     Business Description

    13.5.3     Products and Services

    13.5.4     Financial Overview

    13.5.5     SWOT Analysis

    13.5.6     Key Developments

    13.6    Agilent Technologies, Inc.

    13.6.1     Key Facts

    13.6.2     Business Description

    13.6.3     Products and Services

    13.6.4     Financial Overview

    13.6.5     SWOT Analysis

    13.6.6     Key Developments


    13.7.1     Key Facts

    13.7.2     Business Description

    13.7.3     Products and Services

    13.7.4     Financial Overview

    13.7.5     SWOT Analysis

    13.7.6     Key Developments

    13.8    Danaher

    13.8.1     Key Facts

    13.8.2     Business Description

    13.8.3     Products and Services

    13.8.4     Financial Overview

    13.8.5     SWOT Analysis

    13.8.6     Key Developments

    13.9    Bio SB

    13.9.1     Key Facts

    13.9.2     Business Description

    13.9.3     Products and Services

    13.9.4     Financial Overview

    13.9.5     SWOT Analysis

    13.9.6     Key Developments

    14.          Appendix

    14.1    About The Insight Partners

    14.2    Glossary of Terms


    Table 1.             MEA Immunohistochemistry Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (USD Million)

    Table 2.             UAE Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Product (US$ Mn)

    Table 3.             UAE Diagnostics Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Equipments (US$ Mn)

    Table 4.             UAE Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Antibodies (US$ Mn)

    Table 5.             UAE Antibodies Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Reagents (US$ Mn)

    Table 6.             UAE Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)

    Table 7.             UAE Reagents Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Diagnostics (US$ Mn)

    Table 8.             UAE Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)

    Table 9.             Saudi Arabia Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Product (US$ Mn)

    Table 10.          Saudi Arabia Diagnostics Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Equipments (US$ Mn)

    Table 11.          Saudi Arabia Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Antibodies (US$ Mn)

    Table 12.          Saudi Arabia Antibodies Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Reagents (US$ Mn)

    Table 13.          Saudi Arabia Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)

    Table 14.          Saudi Arabia Reagents Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Diagnostics (US$ Mn)

    Table 15.          Saudi Arabia Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)

    Table 16.          South Africa Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Product (US$ Mn)

    Table 17.          South Africa Diagnostics Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Equipments (US$ Mn)

    Table 18.          South Africa Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Antibodies (US$ Mn)

    Table 19.          South Africa Antibodies Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Reagents (US$ Mn)

    Table 20.          South Africa Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)

    Table 21.          South Africa Reagents Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Diagnostics (US$ Mn)

    Table 22.          South Africa Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)

    Table 23.          Rest of MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Product (US$ Mn)

    Table 24.          Rest of MEA Diagnostics Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Equipments (US$ Mn)

    Table 25.          Rest of MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Antibodies (US$ Mn)

    Table 26.          Rest of MEA Antibodies Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Reagents (US$ Mn)

    Table 27.          Rest of MEA Equipment Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Application (US$ Mn)

    Table 28.          Rest of MEA Reagents Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Diagnostics (US$ Mn)

    Table 29.          Rest of MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By End User (US$ Mn)

    Table 30.          Organic Developments Done By Companies

    Table 31.          Inorganic developments done by Companies

    Table 32.          Glossary of Terms


    Figure 1.           MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Segmentation

    Figure 2.           MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Segmentation, By Country

    Figure 3.           MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Overview

    Figure 4.           Antibodies Segment Held the Largest Share of the Market in 2021

    Figure 5.           The UAE to Show Significant Growth During Forecast Period

    Figure 6.           MEA PEST Analysis

    Figure 7.           Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints Pertaining to MEA Immunohistochemistry Market

    Figure 8.           MEA Immunohistochemistry Market – Revenue Forecast and Analysis

    Figure 9.           MEA Immunohistochemistry Market, by Product 2021 & 2028 (%)

    Figure 10.        MEA Antibodies: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 11.        MEA Primary Antibodies: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 12.        MEA Secondary Antibodies: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 13.        MEA Equipment: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 14.        MEA Slide Staining Systems: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 15.        MEA Tissue Microarrays: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 16.        MEA Tissue Processing Systems: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 17.        MEA Slide Scanners: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 18.        MEA Other Equipments: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 19.        MEA Reagents: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 20.        MEA Histological Stains: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 21.        MEA Blocking Sera & Reagents: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 22.        MEA Chromogenic Substrates: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 23.        MEA Stabilizer: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 24.        MEA Proteolytic Enzymes: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 25.        MEA Organic Solvents: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 26.        MEA Fixation Reagents: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 27.        MEA Diluents: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 28.        MEA Kits: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 29.        MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Share by Application 2021 & 2028 (%)

    Figure 30.        MEA Diagnostics Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 31.        MEA Cancer Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 32.        MEA Infectious Diseases Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 33.        MEA Autoimmune Diseases Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 34.        MEA Diabetes mellitus Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 35.        MEA Nephrological Diseases Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 36.        MEA Others Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 37.        MEA Drug Testing Market Revenue and Forecasts To 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 38.        MEA Immunohistochemistry Market, by End User 2021 & 2028 (%)

    Figure 39.        MEA Hospital & Diagnostic Laboratories: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 40.        MEA Research Institutes: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 41.        MEA Others: Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 42.        MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue Overview, by Country, 2021 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 43.        MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028, By Country (%)

    Figure 44.        UAE Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 45.        Saudi Arabia Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 46.        South Africa Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 47.        Rest of MEA Immunohistochemistry Market Revenue and Forecasts to 2028 (US$ Mn)

    Figure 48.        Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in MEA Country Markets

    1. Abcam plc
    2. Agilent Technologies, Inc.
    3. Bio SB
    5. Danaher
    7. MERCK KGaA
    8. PerkinElmer Inc.
    • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the MEA immunohistochemistry market.      
    • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies
    • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the MEA immunohistochemistry market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies  
    • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets
    • Scrutinize in-depth MEA market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the immunohistochemistry market, as well as those hindering it
    • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing, and distribution  
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