Pronóstico del mercado de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónico en Europa hasta 2031: análisis regional por tipo (válvulas de equilibrio estáticas, válvulas de equilibrio de orificio fijo, válvulas de equilibrio automáticas y válvulas de control de flujo independientes de la presión), tipo de conexión (con brida, roscada y otras), tamaño (menos de 5 pulgadas, 6-10 pulgadas, 11-20 pulgadas y más de 20 pulgadas) y aplicación (residencial, comercial e industrial)

BMIRE00031076 | Pages: 92 | Manufacturing and Construction | Dec 2024 | Status: Published
El mercado europeo de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónico se valoró en 317,13 millones de dólares en 2023 y se espera que alcance los 509,78 millones de dólares en 2031; se estima que registrará una CAGR del 6,1% entre 2023 y 2031.

La creciente aplicación de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónico para sistemas HVAC en la industria del petróleo y el gas impulsa el mercado europeo de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónico

En la industria del petróleo y el gas, las válvulas de equilibrio hidrónico ayudan principalmente a regular y equilibrar el flujo de líquido. Estas válvulas ayudan a garantizar que cada circuito de calefacción o refrigeración reciba la cantidad adecuada de flujo de líquido, lo que permite un rendimiento óptimo y una eficiencia energética. Con el rápido aumento de la industrialización, la demanda de petróleo y gas ha crecido sustancialmente en todo el mundo. La producción de petróleo crudo de la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEG) ha aumentado de manera constante de ~400.000 b/d en enero de 2016 a ~800.000 b/d a fines del segundo trimestre de 2021.

En noviembre de 2021, Equinor, una empresa de refinación de petróleo, anunció una inversión de US$ 8.800 millones para el progreso del descubrimiento de petróleo de Wisting en el mar de Barents del Ártico, el yacimiento petrolífero más septentrional del mundo. El gobierno ruso también ha anunciado su estrategia para aumentar la capacidad de producción de GNL a ~140 millones de toneladas por año para 2035. Además, con el énfasis cada vez mayor en la reducción de las emisiones de carbono, los gobiernos de varias naciones están apoyando las centrales eléctricas a gas en lugar de las centrales eléctricas a carbón, ya que el gas natural emite menos carbono que el carbón; esto impulsa la demanda de gas natural. Además, el sistema HVAC juega un papel crucial en la industria del petróleo y el gas para garantizar las condiciones de trabajo adecuadas para un equipo. Las fábricas de petróleo y gas utilizan sistemas HVAC con diseños adecuados enfocados en mejorar la productividad y garantizar la seguridad en entornos peligrosos. Estas instalaciones contienen maquinaria y equipos sensibles que requieren temperaturas controladas para un rendimiento y una longevidad óptimos. El diseño de sistemas HVAC ayuda a regular estas condiciones, evitando daños en los equipos y tiempos de inactividad. Las válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas son un componente crucial utilizado en los sistemas HVAC. Por lo tanto, la creciente aplicación de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas para sistemas HVAC en la industria del petróleo y el gas impulsa el mercado.

Descripción general del mercado de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas en Europa

Alemania, Francia, Italia, el Reino Unido y Rusia se encuentran entre las principales economías de Europa. La creciente adopción de sistemas HVAC energéticamente eficientes en toda la región impulsa la aplicación de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas en diferentes países europeos. La demanda de sistemas HVAC para calefacción o refrigeración está aumentando debido a los crecientes requisitos en espacios industriales, edificios comerciales y áreas residenciales, lo que impulsa el mercado de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas en Europa. El aumento de la construcción de nuevos edificios residenciales, el crecimiento de los ingresos disponibles, el aumento de los gastos de construcción promedio, la rápida urbanización en varias economías europeas y el aumento de los gastos gubernamentales en desarrollos de edificios sostenibles son los principales factores que impulsan la adopción de sistemas HVAC en Europa, lo que impulsa la demanda de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas. Las regulaciones formadas por los gobiernos en Europa de acuerdo con la eficiencia energética y la creciente preferencia por refrigerantes ecológicos en países como el Reino Unido, Alemania y Francia refuerzan la necesidad de sistemas HVAC avanzados, lo que también está impulsando el crecimiento del mercado de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas en Europa. La presencia de fabricantes de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas como Oventrop GmbH & Co. KG, Caleffi Spa, Frese A/S y otros contribuye al crecimiento del mercado de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas en Europa.

Ingresos y pronóstico del mercado de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas en Europa hasta 2031 (millones de USD)

Segmentación del mercado de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas en Europa

El mercado europeo de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas se clasifica por tipo, tipo de conexión, tamaño, aplicación y país.

Según los tipos, el mercado europeo de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas se segmenta en válvulas de equilibrio estáticas, válvulas de equilibrio de orificio fijo, válvulas de equilibrio automáticas y válvulas de control de flujo independientes de la presión. El segmento de válvulas de equilibrio estáticas tuvo la mayor participación de mercado en 2023.

En términos de tipo de conexión, el mercado europeo de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas se segmenta en bridadas, roscadas y otras. El segmento con bridas tuvo la mayor participación de mercado en 2023.

Por tamaño, el mercado europeo de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas se segmenta en menos de 5 pulgadas, 6-10 pulgadas, 11-20 pulgadas y más de 20 pulgadas. El segmento de menos de 5 pulgadas tuvo la mayor participación de mercado en 2023.

Por aplicación, el mercado europeo de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas se segmenta en residencial, comercial e industrial. El segmento residencial tuvo la mayor participación de mercado en 2023.

Por país, el mercado europeo de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas se segmenta en Alemania, Italia, Francia, Reino Unido, Rusia y el resto de Europa. Alemania dominó la participación de mercado de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas en Europa en 2023.

Caleffi Spa, Danfoss AS, Johnson Controls International Plc, Oventrop GmbH & Co. KG, Victaulic Company y Xylem Inc. son algunas de las empresas líderes que operan en el mercado europeo de válvulas de equilibrio hidrónicas.

1.           Introduction

1.1       The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.2       Market Segmentation

2.           Executive Summary

2.1       Key Insights

2.2       Market Attractiveness

3.           Research Methodology

3.1       Secondary Research

3.2       Primary Research

3.2.1         Hypothesis formulation:

3.2.2         Macro-economic factor analysis:

3.2.3         Developing base number:

3.2.4         Data Triangulation:

3.2.5         Country level data:

4.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Landscape

4.1       Overview

4.2       Ecosystem Analysis

4.2.1         Raw Materials Suppliers-

4.2.2         Manufacturing and Assembly:

4.2.3         Distribution and Logistics:

4.2.4         End Users:

4.2.5         List of Vendors in the Value Chain

5.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Key Market Dynamics

5.1       Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Key Market Dynamics

5.2       Market Drivers

5.2.1         Increasing Demand for Energy-efficient Solutions

5.2.2         Growing Application of Hydronic Balancing Valves for HVAC Systems in Oil & Gas Industry

5.3       Market Restraints

5.3.1         High Cost of Installation, Repair, and Maintenance of Hydronic Balancing Valves

5.4       Market Opportunities

5.4.1         Integration of Smart Technology into Hydronic Balancing Valves

5.5       Future Trends

5.5.1         Utilization of Sustainable Materials and Components in Public Infrastructure

5.6       Impact of Drivers and Restraints:

6.           Hydronic Balancing Valves Market –Europe Market Analysis

6.1       Overview

6.2       Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021–2031

6.3       Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Forecast Analysis

7.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Analysis – by Type

7.1       Static Balancing Valves

7.1.1         Overview

7.1.2         Static Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

7.2       Fixed-Orifice Balancing Valves

7.2.1         Overview

7.2.2         Fixed-Orifice Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.3       Automatic Balancing Valves

7.3.1         Overview

7.3.2         Automatic Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

7.4       Pressure-Independent Flow Control Valves

7.4.1         Overview

7.4.2         Pressure-Independent Flow Control Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Analysis – by Connection Type

8.1       Flanged

8.1.1         Overview

8.1.2         Flanged: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.2       Threaded

8.2.1         Overview

8.2.2         Threaded: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

8.3       Others

8.3.1         Overview

8.3.2         Others: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Analysis – by Size

9.1       Less than 5 Inches

9.1.1         Overview

9.1.2         Less than 5 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

9.2       6-10 Inches

9.2.1         Overview

9.2.2         6-10 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.3       11 - 20 Inches

9.3.1         Overview

9.3.2         11-20 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

9.4       Above 20 Inches

9.4.1         Overview

9.4.2         Above 20 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

10.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Analysis – by Application

10.1     Residential

10.1.1       Overview

10.1.2       Residential: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

10.2     Commercial

10.2.1       Overview

10.2.2       Commercial: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

10.3     Industrial

10.3.1       Overview

10.3.2       Industrial: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

11.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Country Analysis

11.1     Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market, By Key Countries- Revenue (2023) (US$ Million)

11.1.1       Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market by Key Countries, 2023 and 2031 (%)          Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast Analysis – by Country          Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application          Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application          France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application          United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application          Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application          Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)        Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Type        Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Connection Type        Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Size        Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Application

12.        Competitive Landscape

12.1     Company Positioning & Concentration

12.2     Heat Map Analysis

13.        Industry Landscape

13.1     Overview

13.2     Market Initiative

13.3     Product Development

13.4     Mergers & Acquisitions

14.        Company Profiles

14.1     Danfoss AS

14.1.1       Key Facts

14.1.2       Business Description

14.1.3       Products and Services

14.1.4       Financial Overview

14.1.5       SWOT Analysis

14.1.6       Key Developments

14.2     Johnson Controls International Plc

14.2.1       Key Facts

14.2.2       Business Description

14.2.3       Products and Services

14.2.4       Financial Overview

14.2.5       SWOT Analysis

14.2.6       Key Developments

14.3     Xylem Inc.

14.3.1       Key Facts

14.3.2       Business Description

14.3.3       Products and Services

14.3.4       Financial Overview

14.3.5       SWOT Analysis

14.3.6       Key Developments

14.4     Victaulic Company

14.4.1       Key Facts

14.4.2       Business Description

14.4.3       Products and Services

14.4.4       Financial Overview

14.4.5       SWOT Analysis

14.4.6       Key Developments

14.5     Frese A/S

14.5.1       Key Facts

14.5.2       Business Description

14.5.3       Products and Services

14.5.4       Financial Overview

14.5.5       SWOT Analysis

14.5.6       Key Developments

14.6     Oventrop GmbH & Co. KG

14.6.1       Key Facts

14.6.2       Business Description

14.6.3       Products and Services

14.6.4       Financial Overview

14.6.5       SWOT Analysis

14.6.6       Key Developments

14.7     Caleffi S.p.a.

14.7.1       Key Facts

14.7.2       Business Description

14.7.3       Products and Services

14.7.4       Financial Overview

14.7.5       SWOT Analysis

14.7.6       Key Developments

15.        Appendix

15.1     About The Insight Partners


List of Tables

Table 1.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Segmentation

Table 2.             List of Vendors

Table 3.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Table 4.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Type

Table 5.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 6.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Size

Table 7.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Application

Table 8.             Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Country

Table 9.             Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Type

Table 10.          Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 11.          Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Size

Table 12.          Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Application

Table 13.          Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Type

Table 14.          Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 15.          Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Size

Table 16.          Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Application

Table 17.          France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Type

Table 18.          France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 19.          France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Size

Table 20.          France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Application

Table 21.          United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) –  by Type

Table 22.          United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 23.          United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) –  by Size

Table 24.          United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) –  by Application

Table 25.          Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Type

Table 26.          Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) –  by Connection Type

Table 27.          Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Size

Table 28.          Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Application

Table 29.          Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Type

Table 30.          Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Connection Type

Table 31.          Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Size

Table 32.          Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million) – by Application

List of Figures

Figure 1.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Segmentation, by Country

Figure 2.           Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

Figure 3.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2021–2031

Figure 4.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Share (%) – by Type (2023 and 2031)

Figure 5.           Static Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

Figure 6.           Fixed-Orifice Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

Figure 7.           Automatic Balancing Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031  (US$ Million)

Figure 8.           Pressure-Independent Flow Control Valves: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 9.           Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Share (%) – by Connection Type (2023 and 2031)

Figure 10.        Flanged: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 11.        Threaded: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 12.        Others: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 13.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Share (%) – by Size (2023 and 2031)

Figure 14.        Less than 5 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 15.        6-10 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 16.      11-20 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 17.        Above 20 Inches: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 18.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Share (%) – by Application (2023 and 2031)

Figure 19.        Residential: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 20.        Commercial: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 21.        Industrial: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)

Figure 22.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market, By Key Countries – Revenue (2023) (US$ Million)

Figure 23.        Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market Breakdown, by Key Countries, 2023 and 2031 (%)

Figure 24.        Germany: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 25.        Italy: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 26.        France: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 27.        United Kingdom: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 28.        Russia: Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 29.        Rest of Europe Hydronic Balancing Valves Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031(US$ Million)

Figure 30.        Company Positioning & Concentration

Figure 31.        Heat Map Analysis

  • Caleffi S.p.a.
  • Danfoss AS 
  • Johnson Controls International Plc
  • Oventrop GmbH & Co. KG 
  • Victaulic Company 
  • Xylem Inc.
  • Frese A/S
  • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the Europe hydronic balancing valves market.    
  • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies.
  • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Europe hydronic balancing valves market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies.
  • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets.
  • Scrutinize in-depth Europe market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the Europe hydronic balancing valves market, as well as those hindering it.
  • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing, and distribution.
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