Marktprognose für Audio- und Videobearbeitungssoftware für Südamerika bis 2028 – Auswirkungen von COVID-19 und regionale Analyse nach Komponente [Software (Audiobearbeitungssoftware und Videobearbeitungssoftware) und Dienste], Bereitstellung (vor Ort und in der Cloud) und Endbenutzer (persönlich). und kommerziell)

BMIRE00027355 | Pages: 143 | Technology, Media and Telecommunications | Jan 2022 | Type: Regional | Status: Published

Der Erodierdrahtmarkt in Südamerika wird voraussichtlich von 82,71 Millionen US-Dollar im Jahr 2022 auf 102,52 Millionen US-Dollar im Jahr 2028 wachsen. Schätzungen zufolge wird er von 2022 bis 2028 mit einer jährlichen Wachstumsrate von 3,6 % wachsen . 

Wachstumsaussichten in der Gesundheits-, Automobil- und Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie

< span>Im Zuge der technologischen Entwicklungen verbessern sich Industriesektoren wie die Automobilindustrie und das Gesundheitswesen. In der Gesundheitsbranche beispielsweise wird die Verbreitung persönlicher und intelligenter medizinischer Geräte zu personalisierten medizinischen Technologien und implantierbaren medizinischen Geräten führen. Darüber hinaus wird erwartet, dass der Einsatz von Robotern im Gesundheitswesen die Einführung modernster medizinischer Lösungen wie tragbarer und implantierbarer Technologien ermöglichen wird. Die erwähnte Entwicklung in der Gesundheitsbranche dürfte lukrative Wachstumschancen für die Entwicklung von Komponenten und Teilen für implantierbare medizinische Geräte schaffen. Es wird prognostiziert, dass diese Gelegenheit die Nachfrage nach Erodierdrähten ankurbeln wird. Auch die Automobilindustrie erlebt eine Revolution. Für die Herstellung großer Autoteile, darunter zwei starre Linearmotor-Achsenantriebe und Kunststoff-Armaturenbretter, werden Erodierdrähte immer häufiger eingesetzt. Mit der Einführung von Elektrofahrzeugen vollzieht sich auch in der Automobilindustrie ein rasanter Wandel. Die Nachfrage nach Erodierdrähten in der Automobilindustrie war schon früher hoch und ist mit der Einführung von Elektrofahrzeugen gestiegen, da Erodierdrähte das präzise Bohren und Formen kleiner und größerer Teile gewährleisten. Da der EDM-Drahtprozess eine geringe Eigenspannung im Material erzeugt, werden die Formen/Komponenten/Stempel langlebig und zuverlässig. Ebenso blicken Luft- und Raumfahrtunternehmen mit der Einführung fortschrittlicher Technologien in der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie auf Erodierdrähte. Fahrwerkskomponenten, Kraftstoffsysteme, Motoren und andere Hochtemperatur- und Hochbeanspruchungsteile werden mit EDM-Draht hergestellt, da sie dem extremen Druck und der Hitze standhalten, die erforderlich sind, damit die Technologie im Betrieb funktioniert. Die genannten Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit den sich verändernden Branchen Automobil, Luft- und Raumfahrt und Gesundheitswesen aufgrund des dynamischen technologischen Umfelds werden voraussichtlich Wachstumsaussichten für den Markt für SAM-Erodierdrähte schaffen.

Markt Überblick

Brasilien, Argentinien und das übrige Südamerika leisten den größten Beitrag zum Erodierdrahtmarkt in Südamerika. In der Region gibt es eine begrenzte Anzahl von Unternehmen, die Erodierdraht herstellen. Von allen Ländern Südamerikas dürfte Brasilien im Prognosezeitraum den größten Beitrag zum Umsatz des südamerikanischen Erodierdrahtmarktes leisten, wobei das Marktwachstum größtenteils auf die Verbreitung der Automobilindustrie im Land zurückzuführen ist. Die meisten globalen Automobilunternehmen, darunter BMW, BYD, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Land Rover und Mercedes-Benz, haben Produktionsstätten in Brasilien. Die Automobilindustrie macht etwa 15 % des industriellen BIP Brasiliens aus. Laut Atradius Collections gab es im 1. Halbjahr 2021 einen Anstieg der Neuzulassungen von Personenkraftwagen in Brasilien um 33 %. Kolumbien verzeichnete auch ein enormes Wachstum in der Automobilindustrie, die im Jahr 2020 etwa 408 Millionen US-Dollar (1,8 Billionen kolumbianische Pesos) zum BIP des Landes beitrug. Somit treibt die florierende Automobilindustrie in mehreren Ländern das Wachstum des Erodierdrahts voran Markt in Südamerika.

 Umsatz und Prognose des Marktes für Audio- und Videobearbeitungssoftware in Südamerika bis 2028 (Mio. US-Dollar)

Marktsegmentierung für EDM-Drähte in Südamerika 

< span>Der südamerikanische Erodierdrahtmarkt ist in Drahttyp, Branche und Land unterteilt.

Basierend auf dem Drahttyp ist der Markt in Messing, verzinkt und verzinkt unterteilt unbeschichtet. Das Messingsegment verzeichnete im Jahr 2022 den größten Marktanteil.

Basierend auf der Branche ist der Markt in Luft- und Raumfahrt, Industrie & allgemeine Mechanik, Automobil, Gesundheitswesen, Elektronik und andere. Das Automobilsegment hatte im Jahr 2022 den größten Marktanteil.

Je nach Land ist der Markt in Brasilien, Argentinien und den Rest von SAM unterteilt. Brasilien dominierte den Markt im Jahr 2022.   

Berkenhoff GmbH; Hitachi Metals Ltd; Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.; Novotec; OKI Electric Cable Co., Ltd; Thermokompakt; boway Group und Yuang Hsian Metal Industrial Corporation sind die führenden Unternehmen auf dem Erodierdrahtmarkt in der Region.

1.           Introduction

1.1         Study Scope

1.2         The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance

1.3         Market Segmentation

1.3.1        SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market – By Component

1.3.2        SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market – By Deployment

1.3.3        SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market – By End Use

1.3.4        SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market- By Country`

2.           Key Takeaways

3.        Research Methodology

3.1         Coverage

3.2         Secondary Research

3.3         Primary Research

4.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market Landscape

4.1         Market Overview

4.2         SAM PEST Analysis

4.3         Ecosystem Analysis

4.4         Expert Opinion

5.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software –Market Dynamics

5.1         Market Drivers

5.1.1        Rising Adoption of Visual Effects (VFX) in Entertainment Industry

5.1.2        Surge in Demand due to Popularity of Online Video Content Across Social Media Platforms

5.1.3        Versatile benefits of Video Editing Software and Functional Requirements

5.1.4        Availability of Open-Source Audio and Video Editing Software

5.2         Market Opportunities

5.2.1        Integration of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology

5.3         Future Trends

5.3.1        Rising Demand for Animated Content in Education Sector

5.4         Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

6.           Audio and Video Editing Software Market – SAM Analysis

6.1         SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market Overview

6.2         SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

7.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – Component

7.1         Overview

7.2         SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Component (2021 And 2028)

7.3         Software

7.3.1        Overview

7.3.2        Software: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million)

7.3.3        Audio Editing Software

7.3.4        Audio Editing Software: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million)

7.3.5        Video Editing Software

7.3.6        Video Editing Software: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million)

7.4         Services

7.4.1        Overview

7.4.2        Services: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million)

8.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – Deployment

8.1         Overview

8.2         SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Deployment (2021 And 2028)

8.3         On Premise

8.3.1        Overview

8.3.2        On Premise: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million)

8.4         Cloud

8.4.1        Overview

8.4.2        Cloud: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million)

9.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 – End User

9.1         Overview

9.2         SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By End User (2021 And 2028)

9.3         Personal

9.3.1        Overview

9.3.2        Personal: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million)

9.4         Commercial

9.4.1        Overview

9.4.2        Commercial: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast To 2028 (US$ Million)

10.        SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market – Country Analysis

10.1      SAM: Audio and Video Editing Software Market

10.1.1     SAM: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Country       Brazil: Audio and Video Editing Software Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)       Brazil: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Component       Brazil: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Software       Brazil: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Deployment       Brazil: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By End-User       Argentina: Audio and Video Editing Software Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)       Argentina: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Component       Argentina: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Software       Argentina: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Deployment       Argentina: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By End-User       Rest of SAM: Audio and Video Editing Software Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)       Rest of SAM: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Component       Rest of SAM: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Software       Rest of SAM: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Deployment       Rest of SAM: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By End-User

11.        Industry Landscape

11.1      Overview

11.2      Market Initiative

11.3      New Product Development

11.4      Merger and Acquisition

12.        Company Profiles

12.1      Adobe

12.1.1     Key Facts

12.1.2     Business Description

12.1.3     Products and Services

12.1.4     Financial Overview

12.1.5     SWOT Analysis

12.1.6     Key Developments

12.2      Apple Inc.

12.2.1     Key Facts

12.2.2     Business Description

12.2.3     Products and Services

12.2.4     Financial Overview

12.2.5     SWOT Analysis

12.2.6     Key Developments

12.3      Avid Technology, Inc.

12.3.1     Key Facts

12.3.2     Business Description

12.3.3     Products and Services

12.3.4     Financial Overview

12.3.5     SWOT Analysis

12.3.6     Key Developments

12.4      Movavi Software Limited

12.4.1     Key Facts

12.4.2     Business Description

12.4.3     Products and Services

12.4.4     Financial Overview

12.4.5     SWOT Analysis

12.4.6     Key Developments

12.5      Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH

12.5.1     Key Facts

12.5.2     Business Description

12.5.3     Products and Services

12.5.4     Financial Overview

12.5.5     SWOT Analysis

12.5.6     Key Developments

12.6      ABLETON

12.6.1     Key Facts

12.6.2     Business Description

12.6.3     Products and Services

12.6.4     Financial Overview

12.6.5     SWOT Analysis

12.6.6     Key Developments

12.7      Animoto Inc.

12.7.1     Key Facts

12.7.2     Business Description

12.7.3     Products and Services

12.7.4     Financial Overview

12.7.5     SWOT Analysis

12.7.6     Key Developments

12.8      Autodesk Inc.

12.8.1     Key Facts

12.8.2     Business Description

12.8.3     Products and Services

12.8.4     Financial Overview

12.8.5     SWOT Analysis

12.8.6     Key Developments


12.9.1     Key Facts

12.9.2     Business Description

12.9.3     Products and Services

12.9.4     Financial Overview

12.9.5     SWOT Analysis

12.9.6     Key Developments

12.10   SERATO

12.10.1  Key Facts

12.10.2  Business Description

12.10.3  Products and Services

12.10.4  Financial Overview

12.10.5  SWOT Analysis

12.10.6  Key Developments

12.11   Sony Corporation

12.11.1  Key Facts

12.11.2  Business Description

12.11.3  Products and Services

12.11.4  Financial Overview

12.11.5  SWOT Analysis

12.11.6  Key Developments

12.12   SPLICE.COM

12.12.1  Key Facts

12.12.2  Business Description

12.12.3  Products and Services

12.12.4  Financial Overview

12.12.5  SWOT Analysis

12.12.6  Key Developments


12.13.1  Key Facts

12.13.2  Business Description

12.13.3  Products and Services

12.13.4  Financial Overview

12.13.5  SWOT Analysis

12.13.6  Key Developments

12.14   TRACKLIB

12.14.1  Key Facts

12.14.2  Business Description

12.14.3  Products and Services

12.14.4  Financial Overview

12.14.5  SWOT Analysis

12.14.6  Key Developments

13.        Appendix

13.1      About The Insight Partners

13.2      Word Index



Table 1.             SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 2.             Brazil Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Component– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 3.             Brazil Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Software– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 4.             Brazil Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Deployment– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 5.             Brazil Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By End-User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 6.             Argentina Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Component– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 7.             Argentina Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Software– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 8.             Argentina Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Deployment– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 9.             Argentina Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By End-User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 10.          Rest of SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Component– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 11.          Rest of SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Software– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 12.          Rest of SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Deployment– Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 13.          Rest of SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By End-User – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Table 14.          List of Abbreviation




Figure 1.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market Segmentation

Figure 2.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market Segmentation – By Country

Figure 3.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market Overview

Figure 4.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Component

Figure 5.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Software

Figure 6.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Deployment

Figure 7.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By End User

Figure 8.           SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Country

Figure 9.           SAM: PEST Analysis

Figure 10.        SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market– Ecosystem Analysis

Figure 11.        Expert Opinion

Figure 12.        SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market: Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints

Figure 13.        SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 14.        SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Component (2021 and 2028)

Figure 15.        SAM Software: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 16.        SAM Audio Editing Software: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 17.        SAM Video Editing Software: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 18.        SAM Services: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 19.        SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Deployment (2021 and 2028)

Figure 20.        SAM On Premise: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 21.        SAM Cloud: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 22.        SAM Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By End User (2021 and 2028)

Figure 23.        SAM Personal: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 24.        SAM Commercial: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 25.        SAM: Audio and Video Editing Software Market, By Country- Revenue (2021) (US$ Million)

Figure 26.        SAM: Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue Share, By Country (2021 and 2028)

Figure 27.        Brazil: Audio and Video Editing Software Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 28.        Argentina: Audio and Video Editing Software Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

Figure 29.        Rest of SAM: Audio and Video Editing Software Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

  1. Adobe.
  2. Apple Inc.
  3. Avid Technology, Inc.
  4. Movavi Software Limited.
  5. Steinberg Media Technologies GmnH.
  7. Animoto Inc.
  8. Autodesk Inc.
  9. MAGIX Software GmbH.
  10. Serato.
  11. Sony Corporation.
  12. Splice.Com.
  13. TechSmith Corporation.
  • Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players, and segments in the South America audio and video editing software market.  
  • Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies
  • The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the South America audio and video editing software market, thereby allowing players across the value chain to develop effective long-term strategies
  • Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets
  • Scrutinize in-depth South America market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the audio and video editing software market, as well as those hindering it
  • Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to client products, segmentation, pricing, and distribution  

 South America Audio and Video Editing Software Market Revenue and Forecast to 2028 (US$ Million)

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