تقرير تحليل حجم وتوقعات سوق طلاء الأسطح الباردة في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا (2021-2031)، والحصة الإقليمية والبلدية، والاتجاه، وفرص النمو: حسب النوع (الأكريليك، والإيلاستومير، والبولي يوريثين، والسيليكون، وغيرها)، والتكنولوجيا (القائمة على الماء والمذيبات)، والاستخدام النهائي (السكني، والتجاري، والصناعي، والمؤسسي)
يشهد سوق طلاء الأسطح المبردة في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا نموًا مطردًا، مدفوعًا بالطلب المتزايد على الحلول الموفرة للطاقة، واللوائح البيئية الصارمة، والوعي المتزايد بالاستدامة. في الولايات المتحدة، يحظى السوق بدعم قوي من المبادرات الحكومية مثل برنامج ENERGY STAR، وأكواد البناء المحلية، والحوافز لتقنيات توفير الطاقة. تعد الولايات مثل كاليفورنيا وفلوريدا، التي تشهد درجات حرارة أعلى، من أكبر المتبنين لطلاء الأسطح المبردة نظرًا لفعاليتها في تقليل تكاليف التبريد وتحسين جودة الهواء الحضري من خلال التخفيف من تأثير جزيرة الحرارة. تعد القطاعات التجارية والصناعية والسكنية من المساهمين الرئيسيين في توسع السوق، مع التركيز المتزايد على تقليل استهلاك الطاقة والتأثير البيئي.
في أوروبا، يتم دفع سوق طلاء الأسطح المبردة من خلال تركيز الاتحاد الأوروبي على الاستدامة وكفاءة الطاقة، بما يتماشى مع توجيه أداء الطاقة للمباني (EPBD) التابع للاتحاد الأوروبي. تقود البلدان ذات المناخات الأكثر دفئًا، مثل إسبانيا وإيطاليا واليونان، تبني تقنيات الأسطح المبردة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تعمل شهادات البناء الخضراء مثل BREEAM (طريقة تقييم البيئة لمؤسسة أبحاث البناء) وLEED على دفع تبني طلاء الأسطح المبرد في قطاع البناء.
تواصل الحكومات والهيئات التنظيمية في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا تشجيع الاستدامة والحاجة إلى تقليل انبعاثات الكربون في المباني السكنية والتجارية، وخاصة في المناطق الحضرية ذات المناخ الحار. تتوافق طلاءات الأسطح المبردة، التي تساعد في تنظيم درجات الحرارة الداخلية من خلال عكس المزيد من ضوء الشمس وامتصاص حرارة أقل من مواد التسقيف القياسية، مع أهداف الاستدامة هذه، مما يجعلها خيارًا شائعًا للبنائين وأصحاب العقارات. يشجع تبني أكواد البناء الخضراء مثل الريادة في الطاقة والتصميم البيئي (LEED) على استخدام مواد مثل طلاء الأسطح المبرد التي تساهم في كفاءة الطاقة بشكل عام. إن شركات البناء والمطورين يدمجون هذه الطلاءات بشكل متزايد في تصميماتهم لتلبية هذه المعايير الصارمة وجذب المستهلكين المهتمين بالبيئة. وعلى نحو مماثل، في أوروبا، فإن الدفع نحو كفاءة الطاقة مدفوع بالصفقة الخضراء للاتحاد الأوروبي والالتزام بأن يصبح محايدًا للمناخ بحلول عام 2050. وقد أدى هذا إلى فرض لوائح بناء أكثر صرامة تعزز استخدام التقنيات والمواد الموفرة للطاقة. تعد الطلاءات الباردة للأسقف حلاً فعالاً من حيث التكلفة لتحسين الأداء الطاقي للمباني، وخاصة في المناطق التي تشهد صيفًا أكثر حرارة بسبب تغير المناخ. ومع ارتفاع أسعار الطاقة، يتم تحفيز أصحاب المنازل والشركات أيضًا للاستثمار في حلول موفرة للطاقة يمكنها خفض فواتير المرافق والمساهمة في الاستدامة البيئية. وبالتالي، فإن التركيز المتزايد على المباني الموفرة للطاقة يحرك سوق الطلاء البارد للأسقف في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا.
يعد DIASEN srl وNanotech Inc وISOMAT وWestern Colloid وHome Shield Coating وBASF SE وDow Inc وSika AG وThe Sherwin-Williams Co وHolcim Ltd من بين اللاعبين الرئيسيين العاملين في سوق طلاء الأسطح الباردة في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا. ويركز اللاعبون العاملون في السوق بشكل كبير على تطوير عروض منتجات عالية الجودة ومبتكرة لتلبية متطلبات العملاء.
تم تحديد حجم سوق طلاء الأسطح الباردة الإجمالي في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا باستخدام مصادر أولية وثانوية. تم إجراء بحث ثانوي شامل باستخدام مصادر داخلية وخارجية للحصول على معلومات نوعية وكمية تتعلق بسوق طلاء الأسطح الباردة في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا. كما تم إجراء مقابلات أولية متعددة مع المشاركين في الصناعة للتحقق من صحة البيانات واكتساب المزيد من الأفكار التحليلية حول الموضوع. يشمل المشاركون في هذه العملية خبراء الصناعة، مثل نواب الرئيس، ومديري تطوير الأعمال، ومديري استخبارات السوق، ومديري المبيعات الوطنيين - إلى جانب المستشارين الخارجيين، مثل خبراء التقييم، ومحللي الأبحاث، وقادة الرأي الرئيسيين - المتخصصين في سوق طلاء الأسطح الباردة في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا.
1. Introduction
1.1 The Insight Partners Research Report Guidance
1.2 Market Segmentation
2. Executive Summary
2.1 Key Insights
2.2 Market Attractiveness
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Secondary Research
3.2 Primary Research
3.2.1 Hypothesis formulation:
3.2.2 Macro-economic factor analysis:
3.2.3 Developing base number:
3.2.4 Data Triangulation:
3.2.5 Country level data:
4. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Landscape
4.1 Overview
4.1.1 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
4.1.2 Threat of New Entrants
4.1.3 Threat of Substitutes
4.1.4 Bargaining Power of Buyers
4.1.5 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
4.1.6 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry
4.2 Ecosystem Analysis
4.2.1 Raw Material Suppliers
4.2.2 Cool Roof Coatings Manufacturers
4.2.3 Distributors/Suppliers
4.2.4 Buyers
4.2.5 End Users
4.2.6 List of Vendors in Value Chain
5. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Key Market Dynamics
5.1 US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Key Market Dynamics
5.2 Market Drivers
5.2.1 Strong Growth of Residential Construction Industry
5.2.2 Increasing Focus on Energy-Efficient Buildings
5.3 Market Restraints
5.3.1 High Initial Cost
5.4 Market Opportunities
5.4.1 Product Innovation
5.5 Future Trends
5.5.1 Increasing Adoption of Smart Roof Coating
5.6 Impact Analysis
6. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Analysis
6.1 US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Volume (Kilo Tons), 2023–2031
6.2 US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Volume Forecast and Analysis (Kilo Tons)
6.3 US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2023–2031
6.4 US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Revenue Forecast and Analysis (US$ Million)
7. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Volume and Revenue Analysis – by Type
7.1 Acrylic
7.1.1 Overview
7.1.2 Acrylic: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons)
7.1.3 Acrylic: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
7.2 Elastomeric
7.2.1 Overview
7.2.2 Elastomeric: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons)
7.2.3 Elastomeric: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
7.3 Polyurethane
7.3.1 Overview
7.3.2 Polyurethane: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons)
7.3.3 Polyurethane: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
7.4 Silicone
7.4.1 Overview
7.4.2 Silicone: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons)
7.4.3 Silicone: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
7.5 Others
7.5.1 Overview
7.5.2 Others: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons)
7.5.3 Others: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
8. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Revenue Analysis – by Technology
8.1 Water-Based
8.1.1 Overview
8.1.2 Water-Based: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
8.2 Solvent-Based
8.2.1 Overview
8.2.2 Solvent-Based: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
9. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Revenue Analysis – by End Use
9.1 Residential
9.1.1 Overview
9.1.2 Residential: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
9.2 Commercial
9.2.1 Overview
9.2.2 Commercial: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
9.3 Industrial
9.3.1 Overview
9.3.2 Industrial: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
9.4 Institutional
9.4.1 Overview
9.4.2 Institutional: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
10. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Country Analysis
10.1 United States
10.1.1 United States: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) United States: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Type United States: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Technology United States: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by End Use
10.2 Europe
10.2.1 Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Countries
10.2.2 Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Revenue and Forecast and Analysis – by Country Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Volume and Forecast and Analysis – by Country Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Revenue and Forecast and Analysis –by Country Germany: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Germany: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Type Germany: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Technology Germany: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by End Use France: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) France: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Type France: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Technology France: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by End Use Italy: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Italy: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Type Italy: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Technology Italy: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by End Use United Kingdom: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) United Kingdom: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Type United Kingdom: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Technology United Kingdom: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by End Use Russia: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Russia: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Type Russia: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Technology Russia: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by End Use Rest of Europe: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) Rest of Europe: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Type Rest of Europe: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Technology Rest of Europe: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by End Use
11. Competitive Landscape
11.1 Heat Map Analysis by Key Players
11.2 Company Positioning & Concentration
12. Industry Landscape
12.1 Overview
12.2 Collaboration
12.3 Mergers & Acquisitions
12.4 New Launch
13. Company Profiles
13.1 DIASEN s.r.l.
13.1.1 Key Facts
13.1.2 Business Description
13.1.3 Products and Services
13.1.4 Financial Overview
13.1.5 SWOT Analysis
13.1.6 Key Developments
13.2 Nanotech Inc.
13.2.1 Key Facts
13.2.2 Business Description
13.2.3 Products and Services
13.2.4 Financial Overview
13.2.5 SWOT Analysis
13.2.6 Key Developments
13.3.1 Key Facts
13.3.2 Business Description
13.3.3 Products and Services
13.3.4 Financial Overview
13.3.5 SWOT Analysis
13.3.6 Key Developments
13.4 Western Colloid
13.4.1 Key Facts
13.4.2 Business Description
13.4.3 Products and Services
13.4.4 Financial Overview
13.4.5 SWOT Analysis
13.4.6 Key Developments
13.5 Home Shield Coating
13.5.1 Key Facts
13.5.2 Business Description
13.5.3 Products and Services
13.5.4 Financial Overview
13.5.5 SWOT Analysis
13.5.6 Key Developments
13.6 BASF SE
13.6.1 Key Facts
13.6.2 Business Description
13.6.3 Products and Services
13.6.4 Financial Overview
13.6.5 SWOT Analysis
13.6.6 Key Developments
13.7 Dow Inc
13.7.1 Key Facts
13.7.2 Business Description
13.7.3 Products and Services
13.7.4 Financial Overview
13.7.5 SWOT Analysis
13.7.6 Key Developments
13.8 Sika AG
13.8.1 Key Facts
13.8.2 Business Description
13.8.3 Products and Services
13.8.4 Financial Overview
13.8.5 SWOT Analysis
13.8.6 Key Developments
13.9 The Sherwin-Williams Co
13.9.1 Key Facts
13.9.2 Business Description
13.9.3 Products and Services
13.9.4 Financial Overview
13.9.5 SWOT Analysis
13.9.6 Key Developments
13.10 Holcim Ltd
13.10.1 Key Facts
13.10.2 Business Description
13.10.3 Products and Services
13.10.4 Financial Overview
13.10.5 SWOT Analysis
13.10.6 Key Developments
14. Appendix
14.1 About The Insight Partners
List of Tables
Table 1. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Segmentation
Table 2. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons)
Table 3. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Table 4. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons) – by Type
Table 5. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Type
Table 6. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Technology
Table 7. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by End Use
Table 8. United States: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market –Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons) – by Type
Table 9. United States: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Type
Table 10. United States: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Technology
Table 11. United States: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by End Use
Table 12. Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons) – by Country
Table 13. Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Country
Table 14. Germany: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market –Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons) – by Type
Table 15. Germany: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Type
Table 16. Germany: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Technology
Table 17. Germany: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by End Use
Table 18. France: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market –Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons) – by Type
Table 19. France: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Type
Table 20. France: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Technology
Table 21. France: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by End Use
Table 22. Italy: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market –Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons) – by Type
Table 23. Italy: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Type
Table 24. Italy: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Technology
Table 25. Italy: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by End Use
Table 26. United Kingdom: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market –Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons) – by Type
Table 27. United Kingdom: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Type
Table 28. United Kingdom: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Technology
Table 29. United Kingdom: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by End Use
Table 30. Russia: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market –Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons) – by Type
Table 31. Russia: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Type
Table 32. Russia: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Technology
Table 33. Russia: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by End Use
Table 34. Rest of Europe: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market –Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons) – by Type
Table 35. Rest of Europe: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Type
Table 36. Rest of Europe: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by Technology
Table 37. Rest of Europe: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million) – by End Use
Table 38. Heat Map Analysis by Key Players
List of Figures
Figure 1. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Segmentation, by Geography
Figure 2. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Porter's Five Forces Analysis
Figure 3. Ecosystem: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market
Figure 4. Private New Housing Construction Output from November 2023 to May 2024 in UK
Figure 5. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints
Figure 6. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Volume (Kilo Tons), 2023–2031
Figure 7. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Revenue (US$ Million), 2023–2031
Figure 8. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Share (%) – Type, 2023 and 2031
Figure 9. Acrylic: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons)
Figure 10. Acrylic: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 11. Elastomeric: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons)
Figure 12. Elastomeric: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 13. Polyurethane: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons)
Figure 14. Polyurethane: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 15. Silicone: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons)
Figure 16. Silicone: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 17. Others: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Volume and Forecast to 2031 (Kilo Tons)
Figure 18. Others: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 19. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Share (%) – Technology, 2023 and 2031
Figure 20. Water-Based: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 21. Solvent-Based: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 22. US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Share (%) – End Use, 2023 and 2031
Figure 23. Residential: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 24. Commercial: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 25. Industrial: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 26. Institutional: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 27. United States: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 28. Europe Cool Roof Coating Market Breakdown by Key Countries, 2023 and 2031 (%)
Figure 29. Germany: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 30. France: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 31. Italy: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 32. United Kingdom: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 33. Value of Construction Output for Private Sector (2018–2022)
Figure 34. Russia: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 35. Rest of Europe: US and Europe Cool Roof Coating Market – Revenue and Forecast to 2031 (US$ Million)
Figure 36. Company Positioning & Concentration
- DIASEN s.r.l.
- Nanotech Inc
- Western Colloid
- Home Shield Coating
- Dow Inc
- Sika AG
- The Sherwin-Williams Co
- Holcim Ltd
- Progressive industry trends in the US and Europe cool roof coating market to help players develop effective long-term strategies
- Business growth strategies adopted by developed and developing markets
- Quantitative analysis of the US and Europe cool roof coating market from 2021 to 2031
- Estimation of the demand for cool roof coating across various countries
- Porter’s five forces analysis provide a 360-degree view of the US and Europe cool roof coating market
- Recent developments to understand the competitive market scenario and the demand for cool roof coating in the US and Europe scenario.
- Market trends and outlook coupled with factors driving and restraining the growth of the US and Europe cool roof coating market.
- Decision-making process by understanding strategies that underpin commercial interest concerning the US and Europe cool roof coating market growth
- The US and Europe cool roof coating market size at various nodes of market
- Detailed overview and segmentation of the US and Europe cool roof coating market as well as its dynamics in the industry
- The US and Europe cool roof coating market size in different countries with promising growth opportunities